“Oh, hush. He wants to see me again tonight, but—”

She squeals. “Ex-cuseme? Two nights in a row?”

“But I can cancel if you want me to.”

“Why the hell would I want that?” Tabitha asks. “Go out again! And this time, don’t chicken out.”

“Nobody chickened out, and are you sure? I feel bad leaving you at home.”

My sister gives me an exasperated look. “Look, Dani… I know things have been hard since…Since.But I’m alright, I promise. I’m super grateful for everything you do for me, but you can’t forget about yourself. I’ve got plans to hang out with my friends, so go out and have a little fun for once in your life andstopworrying.”

I smile sweetly at her, warmth blooming in my chest. “You can call me for anything, you know that, right?”

“Duh,” Tabitha says with an eyeroll. “Now, are you going to raid my closet again? Or do you think your classic office worker look is what does it for him?”

“Oh, shut up,” I say around a light laugh. “Now, do you have anything that’s not pink?”

“You’re right. It’s totally not your color. Lucky for you, I think I have the perfect dress in mind.”

* * *

I ignore the wolf whistles as I step into the office. My hair is done, I’ve applied a bit of lip gloss, and I feel pretty damn badass in the knee-high boots I found shoved into the back of my closet. I bought them on a whim ages ago, promising to wear them on special occasions. Needless to say, between taking care of Tabitha and work, I never found an excuse to wear them—until now.

“Lookin’ good, Harper,” Peterson chuckles as I take my seat at the front of the room.

“Save your comments,” I quip, pulling out the dossier I’ve been building. My team is already assembled, Gomez and Pritt seated at their own tables. Pritt doesn’t look particularly pleased to be here, casting her sharp glare between Peterson and me. I have no doubt he’s given her a much needed talking to.

“So, I’ve got good news and bad news regarding Luka Antonov,” I say, moving things forward. “Given yesterday’shiccup—” I frown at Pritt. She huffs and pretends to pick at the non-existent dirt beneath her nails. “—I’ve decided the best course of action is to get close to Luka personally. I’ve already cloned his phone, so we’ll be able to see everything he does. There isn’t a text message, email, or phone call we won’t be privy to.”

Peterson crosses his arms. “What’s the bad news?”

“The bad news is there hasn’t been any activity.”

Gomez’s eyebrows shoot up. “At all?”

“I’m worried he has a burner phone of his own,” I confess.

Pritt scoffs. “But why? Do you think he’s figured out who you are and is taking the extra precaution?”

I shake my head. “I just think that’s in his nature. He’s too careful. I don’t think he’d call his brothers or conduct business on a phone that can be linked back to him. I’ll obviously keep an eye on any activity, but if we’re going to have any hope of finding evidence of his dealings, I’ll need to gain access to his computer. Hence the second date.”

Peterson is unusually quiet. He’s normally the first to make comments, pointing out flaws and offering helpful suggestions. Instead, he does none of those things.

“You’re the one in charge,” he tells me. “I trust your judgment.”

I nod, smiling a little. “I appreciate that, sir.”

Peterson turns to my teammates. “Gomez, have you set up a stakeout location for her date tonight?”

“Yes, sir. I’ve got the van parked on the opposite side of the street so I can keep an eye on them at the restaurant. I’ve even got the mics set up so we can listen in.”

My phone dings. Notmyphone, but the burner I’m using to keep in contact with Luka. He’s sent a message.

Change of plans.

Meet me here.

[Sent a location pin.]