I notice the time on the digital alarm clock beside me. 11:24 a.m.

I throw the covers off with a gasp. “Holy shit, I have to get to work!”

“Take the day off,” Luka says, like it’s really that simple.

He doesn’t know I’m in a world of trouble. Not only because I haven’t checked in with Gomez, but because I left Tabitha alone. She’s more than capable of taking care of herself, but I hate the thought of her waiting up for me only to discover I’m still not there.

I snatch up my purse and pull on my shoes by the door. “I’m sorry that was such a shitty date,” I tell him with an easy laugh, anything to get over the awkwardness of the situation.

He rises and follows me to the door. “It wasn’t shitty. I had fun.”

“Did you?” I ask dryly.

“I got to spend the evening kissing a beautiful woman. I’d rate our date a solid seven out of ten.”

A genuine laugh escapes me, rising from the pit of my stomach. It compounds the throbbing pain in my head, but I don’t care. “You’re easy to please.”

“I want to see you again,” he says.

This takes me by surprise. “Even afterthatdisaster?”

Luka nods, his eyes nothing but earnest. “When are you off work tonight?”

“That’s a little too soon, isn’t it?”

“Am I coming on too strong?” There’s something playful in his tone, almost like he’s testing my limits on purpose.

A sane woman would gladly lose this guy’s number and pretend the last twenty-four hours never happened, but I’m not a sane woman. I can’t forget Luka is my target. It’s frankly a miracle he isn’t turned off by me. If anything,heshould want to losemynumber and forget this ever happened. But if he wants to keep seeing me, how can I possibly say no? My job is to keep tabs on him, and if Luka wants another date, that makes things a thousand times easier for me.

He dips down like he wants to kiss me. He doesn’t. I don’t understand the sudden craving that takes hold of me as I fight off the urge to rise to my toes to close the gap.

“I want to see you again,” he says, unwavering. “Let me take you to dinner again. Properly, this time. Tonight at eight. I’ll pick you up.” And when I don’t answer right away, “Please?”

I don’t understand the look in his eyes. There’s a boyish charm to the way he frowns, like a big chocolate lab who’s been denied praise for too long. All it takes is for his eyes to flit down to my lips for my heart to stutter, the staccato beat knocking the breath from my lungs.

It’s too hard to say no. I don’twantto say no.

“Okay,” I whisper.

* * *

“Nice hickey,” Tabitha comments with a mischievous grin. I haven’t even taken a full step into our apartment yet and she’s prepared to grill me to high heaven.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t call you,” I say. “I lost track of time.”

“Boy, I’ll say.”

“Are you alright? Do you need anything? Are you hungry? I can make breakfast.”

“It’s noon, Dani.” She waves me off. “I’m good, I swear. What Ireallywant is to know more about your Prince Charming. Did you…” My little sister pumps her brows suggestively.

I shake my head. “God, you’re such a horny teenager.”

“Iama horny teenager, remember?”

“Nothing happened,” I insist. “We, uh… kissed. Lots of talking, I think? And then we both fell asleep.”

Tabitha groans. “Lame.”