If they choose to alienate themselves, I won’t be coming around. They will have to rely on their staff to see to their every need—especially as they get older.

“I want you two to be in our lives. I want you to see your grandchild grow up. What I don’t want is to have to keep getting in the middle of you guys and Kendall when you decide to attack her.”

“You want to keep your parents out of your life.”

“I’m going to be having a dinner next Wednesday,” I say, continuing on as if Dad hadn’t said anything. “You are both invited but Kendall is going to be there. If that’s going to be a problem for you, don’t come. I’ll take your absence as confirmation that you want no part in our lives.”

I spin on my heel and walk out before either of them can say anything.

With each step I take, it feels like a little more weight is lifted from my shoulders.

I don’t expect my parents to change right away, but I want to see them make an effort. I need to know that they’re trying to get past their prejudice.

This is the first step but I know it will be a long process.

If I can even get Kendall to talk to me. The only messages I send her that she answers are the ones about the baby. Other than that, she ignores me.

Hurting her was something I never planned to do. I should have stopped her from leaving last week, but she looked like she needed to go.

I don’t think there’s anything I could have said that would have changed her mind.

I get in the car and send Kendall a message, inviting her to dinner next week. Three dots bounce on the screen for a few seconds before they disappear.

After sending her another message, telling her that I love and miss her, I try to figure out how to get her to respond to me.

I could drive over to Zara’s and try to convince her friend to let me inside. Although, if Zara and Aurora are guarding her, there’s no hope in hell of me being able to talk to her.

Instead, I send Aurora a message, begging for her help. After she agrees, it feels like a little more of that weight on my shoulders is slowly lifting.

Now all I have to do is figure out how I’m going to get Kendall to come over for dinner.



“Pleasecometothedinner with me,” I say as I sit across from my mom for our last coffee before she heads back home. “I don’t know if I can do this alone. Aurora said that his parents are going to be there and neither of them like me very much.”

“Are you sure you even want to go to this dinner? From everything you said about what happened between you and Evan the other week, it sounds like dinner could be a nightmare.”

I sigh and sip my coffee. “I know but I really love him. I don’t want to walk away from him.”

“You were pretty upset about him knowing your father.”

“I know.” I drum my fingers on the table and look across the street at the park. There are dads pushing their children on the swings or chasing them around the playground.

“Do you think you’re going to be able to move past the issues you keep having?”

“I want to try. I know that it could all end up horribly, but at least after the dinner with his parents we’ll know where everybody stands. I think it will make it a little easier for us.”

“Alright.” Mom takes a long sip of her coffee before nodding. “I’ll come to dinner. My flight isn’t until tomorrow morning so I could use a little more time with you before I go.”

I smile. “Thank you.”

“I’m sure everything is going to be okay between the two of you. I see the way your face lights up when you talk about him. It’s the same way I used to look when I talked about your dad.”

My cheeks warm and I finish the last of my coffee. “I’ve got to get going. I volunteered to make the dinner and there’s a bit of shopping I need to do before I head over there. I’ll text you his address.”

“Try to relax a little,” Mom says as I stand up and toss my cup in the trash. I hug her before grabbing my purse. “Just focus on loving him and the rest will all fall into place.”