“You look like a smart girl,” his father says. His beady eyes seem to stare right through me. “You can see that there is no future here.”
“I wouldn’t still be around and having our child if I thought there was no future with him.”
His mom shakes her head. “You poor, pathetic girl. You cannot possibly see a future here. Stop with the act. I know that you only want my son for his money. Getting pregnant is a way to ensure that he never leaves you. He’s too blind with infatuation to see the truth.”
I snort. “I wish my pussy were that powerful. I wouldn’t have had to fight tooth and nail for everything I have in my life.”
Her face turns bright red and her hands clench into fists at her side. “You will watch the way that you speak to me.”
“I have done nothing but treat you with respect since I met you, yet you continue to insult me at every turn. If you think that I’m going to stand here and let you continue to treat me like shit, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Oh, I’m not here to treat you like shit,” she says, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a checkbook. “I’m here to find out how much it’s going to take to get you to leave my son.”
I stare at her, not believing what I’m hearing.
They came here, not to fix anything but to try and buy me off. They have no interest in having a relationship with their grandchild. Or, maybe they do but they think it will be easier to do if they offer me money to go away.
“Not going to happen. I love Evan and you can shove your bribe up your ass.”
She arches an eyebrow, a haughty smile crossing her face. She is yet another person who thinks that the answer to all of life’s problems is money. She thinks that playing with people’s lives is as easy as handing them a sum of money and waiting for them to disappear.
Evan’s dad takes a step forward. “You’re too young to go through with this kind of life. You aren’t ready to be a mother. You haven’t even finished school. Just take the money with the promise of giving Evan sole custody once the baby is born and then leave.”
My nails dig into my palms as my hands clench into fists. “I’m not going anywhere, despite the disgust you people make me feel. You think it’s alright to play with people’s lives like this? Buy whatever you want and just fuck over whoever might stand in your way?”
“I think that you are too young to know what you really want out of life. Everything would be better for you this way,” he says, while his wife flips open the little book.
She pulls a pen from her other pocket and starts filling out a check. “How much? Name your price.”
“I might be young, but I know that I love your son. I know that there’s no way I’m going to give him up because you think some money can make me leave. Most importantly, I know that I’m never going to give up custody of our child.”
“Think of it this way,” she says, looking up from the check. “You would be able to finish law school. Make a career for yourself. Start a life of your own instead of wedging yourself into Evan’s.”
I freeze as I look at her, not knowing what else to say. It’s as if she has guessed my every fear and knows exactly what to say to exploit them.
It’s as obvious to others as it is to me that I don’t belong here.
“One million dollars,” his mother says. “That should be enough to take care of the rest of your schooling and set you up to live comfortably for the first few years your career is developing.”
I shake my head. “No. I already told you; you can’t buy me.”
“It’s really nothing,” Evan’s dad says as he crosses his arms. “Two million. That way you know for a fact that there is more than enough money to take care of you while you start your own life.”
“Get the fuck out of my house.”
“You know, Evan has changed since he met you,” his dad says, a grim smile on his face. “He used to be the kind of man you could depend on to do what was right. I never had to worry about him. However, since you came around he seems more determined than ever to destroy his life.”
His mother nods and finishes filling out the check. She pulls it out of the little book and holds it out to me.
I take the check and rip it into a dozen tiny pieces. “I saidget the fuck out of my house.”
“You’re going to regret this. If you have to make this difficult, we will take you to court to prove that you’re an unfit parent.”
“Fucking try it,” I say, brushing by both of them. I look at Blake who is standing in the living room. “Please escort them out.”
“Gladly,” he says before charging into the room with Evan’s parents.
My heart is hammering in my chest and my hands are shaking as I make my way up to my room. I don’t stop to think about what I’m doing, I just act on instinct.