“Then you understand my position.” I cross my arms and look at him. “I have no problem coming over for dinner with you and Mom every few weeks on my own.”
“I’m sure Kendall does.”
“No. She doesn’t. In fact, she’s the one encouraging me to do a weekly dinner with you two. Even though you’re trying to exclude her.”
“Then I fail to see the problem.”
I raise an eyebrow. “I’m not going to be leaving the mother of my child—the woman I love—alone one night a week to go over to your house and listen to you and Mom shit all over her.”
“That’s not what we do.” Dad pauses and looks at me before shaking his head. “I can’t believe that you’re having a child with her. You’re old enough to be her father.”
“Come on then,” I say, my tone sharp as I sit up straight. “You seem to have a lot to say about Kendall despite not having a problem with her. You may as well get it all out now.”
Dad shakes his head. “I’m not going to do this with you.”
“Funny.” I take a deep breath. “You always have something to say about what I’m doing with my life, the company, or Kendall. I’m not going to keep tolerating it.”
“Tolerating it?” Dad’s face turns a bright red as he leans forward in his seat. “In what way is kicking your parents out of your home and kicking me out of the company I’ve builttolerating it?”
I take a moment to calm down before I speak. If we’re going to hash this out right now, then I don’t want to say anything I’m going to regret later.
“Dad, I’m not going to tolerate you and Mom treating Kendall like shit or saying horrible things about her. She doesn’t deserve that, and quite frankly, neither do I. You are welcome to have your opinions behind closed doors, but I don’t want her to think that she has no place in my life.”
“She doesn’t.”
“That’s not for you to say.”
Dad’s scowl deepens. “We have worked hard to provide you the very best in life. You have been given a career that will last you a lifetime. You have more money than you know what to do with.”
“And now I have a woman I love and we’re going to have a baby together.”
“Just because you’re having a baby together doesn’t mean that you need to make your life about her. Being with her is a bad idea. Have you even seen what the media says about the pair of you?”
“I’ve seen plenty of the stories.”
None of those stories paint a very flattering image of Kendall and me, but it doesn’t matter to me. I can see those stories getting to her though. Reporters have been tracking us everywhere, even if nobody is supposed to know where we’re going.
“I thought that sending the reporters after you would be enough to get this relationship to end, but you clearly don’t seem to care.”
I freeze, trying to process what he just said to me, but anger is clouding my mind. After taking a deep breath, I get up and start pacing the room. I pull open my door for a minute, nodding to my assistant, before heading back to sit behind my desk.
“You told the reporters where I like to go. You made Kendall miserable by having her trashed across the internet. And you think that’s okay?”
Dad rolls his eyes. “Don’t be dramatic. You know that I do what I have to for my family. It seemed like it would be the best way to get Kendall out of your life.”
“Why the hell would you want to get rid of the first woman I’ve been happy with in a very long time?”
“You’ll understand when your own child starts bringing home people that you don’t approve of.”
I shake my head, not believing how he could do this to his own child. He’s been trying to tear apart my relationship with Kendall since the start.
The knowledge makes my stomach churn.
I reach forward and hit a button on my phone. “Send security in please.”
Dad’s eyes narrow as he stands up and plants his hands on my desk. “You don’t want to do this. You’re making a massive mistake. This girl is nothing but trouble.”
“You don’t even know her, and based on everything you’ve done, it sounds like you have no interest in getting to know her or our child.”