Page 55 of Legend

“Our lips are sealed, mate,” Dad says, with a confident nod.?

?I smile at them. “Thank you. I love you guys. Tom was worried about your reactions…”

“Oh my god! Does this mean I’ve got a grandkid?” Mum squeals.?

“Fucking hell, Mum. We haven’t even been together for forty-eight hours.”

“Don’t swear at your mum,” My dad reprimands me. “He’s right though. Calm your tits, Jill.”

“That’s such a stupid saying,” I mumble. “I’m going to grab some things and head to Tom’s.”

“Okay. Tell Tom, he and Keegan need to come over for Sunday lunch soon,” Dad says.

“Will do.”

I head out the room and send a text to Tom.

Me: Told them. They were happy and invited you for dinner soon

Tom Whitford:That’s great babe

Me:I’ll be over in a hour

Tom Whitford:Hurry, I need you in my bed

Fuck yes. I need the whole night with my man. I start taking the stairs two at a time; behind me, I hear a triumphant shout.

“I told you it was a nine-letter word!”

Chapter nineteen


“Istillcan’tbelieveI’m snuggling with the great Tom Whitford,” Archie says, wriggling in even closer against me.

I groan, running a hand over my face. “Pleasedon’t call me that.”

“Why not?”

“Because it makes me sound about a million years old.”

He lets out a soft laugh and pushes up onto his elbow, shuffling around so he’s facing me, a wide grin stretching across his face. “Trust me, babe, I’m witness to the fact that you’re nowhere near a million years old.”

I smile and reach a hand up to drag his face down to mine, kissing him gently. “I still don’t want to be Tom Whitford in this bed. I just want to be Archie Milligan’s boyfriend.”

He smiles against my lips. “Mmm…I like that.Boyfriend.Hey, boyfriend.”

I let out a soft chuckle. “Hey, boyfriend.”

His mouth closes over mine and I pull him closer against me, our limbs tangling together. Still not close enough, though. I don’t want even a millimetre separating us. I want to be joined. I want to crawl inside his skin and make a home there.

I’m a little alarmed by the thoughts running through my head; this is still new, and Archie’s so young. And I can’t pretend the fears I had when we first kissed have just magically disappeared. But it all?seems minor when you compare it to this. The feel of him in my arms. The needy little whimpers he lets out as I touch and kiss him, as though he’s so desperate for me he can’t hold it in.?

I roll us over on the mattress so Archie’s on his back, my body blanketing him. I take a moment to just gaze down at him, taking in the lust-filled eyes, flushed cheeks, and ever-present smile.

“God, you’re beautiful,” I murmur, unable to keep the awe from my voice.

“So are you.”