I arch my brow at him. “Babe…”
He gives a sheepish shrug and mimes zipping his lips.
I turn my attention back to the three men in front of us, finding them all staring at us like we’ve just stripped down naked and started salsa dancing.
“What?” I growl at them, eyes narrowed.
Alex holds up his hands. “Nothing. It’s just—pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile.”
Vinnie nods. “At someone who isn’t Keegan, at least.”
I roll my eyes. “Can we just get on with this?”
“What exactly are we getting on with?” Gideon asks, brows furrowed. “Are you planning to go public? I think we should bring Abby in if that’s the case.”
I shake my head determinedly. “No. We’re not going public. I’m…” I offer Archie an apologetic look. “I’m not ready for that.”
He reaches for my hand, threading his fingers through mine, his expression full of gentle sincerity. “It’s okay.”
“We just want the team to know,” I explain to Alex, Vinnie, and Gideon. “On the off chance the media does get hold of this, it’s going to affect the team, so we want them to be prepared. And…”
“We’d prefer not to sneak around,” Archie finishes. “At least not here.” He gestures casually at his surroundings, indicating the stadium and all the facilities we use on a daily basis. “But we promise there won’t be any more sex on club grounds.”
“Anymore?”Gideon asks, his voice reaching a weirdly high decibel.
“Any,” Archie rushes to correct, his face flaming. “Any at all. Never has been, never will be.”
Alex lets out a soft chuckle and Vinnie rolls his eyes. Meanwhile Gideon looks like he’s about to have an aneurysm. No doubt his head is spinning with all the potential headlines that could catch fire if any of this were to leak to the press.
“Okay,” Gideon says, running a hand over his face as he takes a moment to gather his thoughts. “Okay. I’m not going to lie, this definitely complicates things. But I meant what I said when we signed you, Archie—we have your back. And Tom, whatever you choose to do, we’re behind you as well.”
“Might have to move Milly out of the way first,” Alex says with a chuckle.
“Well, actually—”
I slap a hand over Archie’s mouth, preventing him from blurting out any more details of our sex life.
“Okay, so you plan to tell the team?” Gideon asks, steering us back on course.
I nod. “Yes. Like Archie said, we’d prefer not to have to sneak around.”
“And you realise there’s a chance one of them might say something, even unintentionally?” he presses.
I swallow, nodding. “I’m aware.”
“Okay then.” He straightens, stepping away from the couch. Tugging his phone from his breast pocket, he checks something and then glances at Vinnie. “The boys will be arriving for training about now, won’t they?”
Vinnie checks his watch and nods. “Yep.”
Gideon arches a brow at me. “You want to do it now?”
I ignore the queasy feeling taking root in my stomach and focus on the comforting grip Archie has of my hand. Letting out a heavy breath, I nod. “May as well get it over with.”
We all file out of Gideon’s office and head downstairs to the locker room, where the rest of the boys are indeed changing for training.
“Oi!” Vinnie calls in his booming voice. “Everyone stop what you’re doing and listen up for a moment.”
The hubbub in the room instantly dies down as the players all pause and turn to Vinnie, some of them mid-change.