Page 29 of Legend

“Nah, I’m good,” he says, grabbing the front of his trousers.

I shake my head in exasperation. “Keegs, you don’t do that in public do you?”

“What? Grab my willy? It’s how I check if I need to wee,” he explains, blinking up at me, all innocence.

“Can’t you just…tell?”

He shrugs. “Sometimes. But sometimes I need to check.”

I sigh and give another shake of my head. I have no idea how touching your dick could help you confirm whether or not you need to take a piss, but whatever. “Come on, let’s go. Grab the ball.”

He dutifully collects his football from where it’s sitting by the door and we head out of the house.

“Dad, can Archie Milligan come to the park with us?” he asks hopefully.

My head jerks around. “Archie Milligan? Why do you want him to come with us?”

Keegan starts bouncing around on the balls of his feet, practically bursting with excitement. “Because he’s so nice. And he knows my name! He called me Keegan when I met him after the Everton game,” he gushes. “And he’s amazing! He’s, like, the best player ever!”

Bloody hell. Now I know how Caesar felt.

“Please, Dad,” Keegan begs, his lips forming into a pout that I’m sure he knows is his ticket to getting away with anything. “Please can we invite him?”

I sigh. “Fine, I’ll invite him. But he might be busy. It’s pretty short notice.”

I draw my phone from my pocket and start typing a text.

Me:Apparently you’re my son’s favourite player?


Archie Milligan:Nice Simpsons reference!

Me:I’m surprised you know it considering you’re a child

Archie Milligan:Come on, everyone knows The Simpsons! Mrs. Skinner is hilarious??

Me:Colour me impressed??

Me:Anyway Keegan is hoping you can join us for a kick around in the park. I already told him it’s late notice so it’s fine if you’re busy

Archie Milligan:When?


Archie Milligan:The park at the end of your street?

Me:That’s the one

Archie Milligan:I’ll be there in thirty

“Okay, we’re in business, mate,” I say to Keegan as I slip my phone back in my pocket. “He’s going to meet us in half an hour.”

Keegan’s face lights up. “Oh, that’s so cool! Do you think he’ll bring Robbie Sexton? Mia at school says her Mum thinks they’re secretly a couple.”

I rear back in surprise, trying my best not to let my gut reaction ofewwshow on my face. God, Archie and Robbie? Hell no, that would just be too weird. Archie is way too good for that shithead. And, yes, I do realise that it was only recently that I was raving about how aggravating Archie was—a bloke’s allowed to change his mind, alright?

“Well, you can tell Mia at school that your dad—who knows both Archie and Robbie personally—says that’s extremely unlikely.”