Page 58 of Legend

His expression turns thoughtful. “So you’re not bi then? You’re definitely gay? I kind of wondered because, you know…the whole fathering a kid thing.”

I let out a heavy sigh, lifting a hand to brush over his hip. I can’t help it; I just can’tnottouch him. “I think I’m probably like 95-5. But I identify as gay. I mean, I know there are gay guys who can’t get it up for a woman no matter what…”

“You’re looking at one of them,” he says with a smirk.

“Yeah, well, I’m not like that. Courtney and I…our sex life wasokay.But it was never as…fulfilling, I guess you could say, when it was just the two of us as it was when we brought other guys in. And after a while she—understandably—got a little tired of that.”

“So you haven’t been with anyone since you guys split?” he asks.

I shake my head. “Not until you.”

“Jesus. How the bloody hell did you go so long without a shag?”

“Well, believe it or not, people don’t actually die from a lack of sex. But my hand was definitely kept pretty busy. And I have a Fleshlight and a few dildos that have gotten a good workout.”

“Woah, hold on a second—you’re into getting bummed? I thought you were a total top.”

I offer a wry smirk. “I’m vers. Definitely up for having a nice, big cock filling me up.”

He flops onto his back, running a hand over his face and looking adorably stunned. “Well, this is new and very interesting information.”

Chapter twenty


“Archie,ourguestsarehere,” Mum shouts from downstairs.

I wish I knew who these bloody guests were. Then I could mentally bitch at them for making me miss spending the night curled up in my boyfriend’s arms.

The past few weeks with Tom have felt like a dream. I’ve been walking around on a cloud, on a constant high of sex endorphins. Because there’s beena lotof sex. Considering Tom’s been celibate for years, he’s sure as fuck making up for it now. And I’m not complaining one little bit. The man is just as talented in bed as he is on the football pitch, which makes me one very lucky boy.

But it’s not just the sex, it’s all the other stuff that comes with it. In all my fantasies about Tom over the years, I never thought to wonder what it'd be like to actually date him. But for such a grumpy bastard, he makes an incredibly sweet boyfriend. He might not like me calling him a teddy bear, but that’s exactly what he is—soft and cuddly and warm. The complete opposite of what the rest of the world sees.

But the best part of the past few weeks is that the team’s on a winning streak. Or, at least, it’s maybe not thebestpart, but it’s been pretty bloody good all the same. It’s great to have confirmation that Tom’s fears about our relationship negatively affecting our playing dynamic were completely unfounded. In fact, I’d go as far as to say we’re even more lethal on the pitch now than we were before we got together. The trust and connection we’ve developed in our personal relationship is evident in the way we’re able to sense each other during play.

Needless to say, any concerns the team might have had about us being together have officially been put to rest.

Unfortunately, I’m being deprived of my boyfriend fix this evening because Mum’s insisted I actually come home for once and help her with this important dinner she’s hosting. I have no idea who the guests of honour are supposed to be, because Mum and Dad don’t exactly rub shoulders with any bigwigs or celebrities—unless you count Yours Truly, I guess. But the upshot is, I’m staring down the barrel of a night without Tom and I feel like a junkie craving a fix.

I need my Tom cuddles daily, it’s as simple as that. I’ve never been all that clingy with past boyfriends—not that there were many, or that any lasted long—but with Tom, I’m needy as fuck.

I let out a sigh of resignation and head out of my bedroom, slapping on a polite smile as I trot down the stairs.

Then I get to the living room and pause, my mouth parted in surprise. Seated on the sofa is Tom, Keegan, and Courtney.

As soon as he sees me, Keegan bounds from the sofa and rushes up to me, wrapping his arms around me. “Archie Milligan!?Dad says you guys are boyfriends. This is even better than dad adopting you.”

I hear a snort and look up to see Courtney shaking with laughter. Tom is running a hand over his face in obvious exasperation.

I glance down at Keegan and offer an affectionate smile. “Yeah, that’s right. I’m glad you’re happy about it.”

“Just remember what we said about it being a secret, Keegs,” Courtney reminds him.

Keegan rolls his eyes. “I know, Mummy. But Archie Milligan knows already ‘cause he’s Dad’s boyfriend.”

I give a shrug and glance over to Courtney. “Can’t beat that logic.”

Tom rises from the sofa and steps over to me, brushing a chaste kiss to my lips.