Page 54 of Legend

He pulls up outside my house and turns to me. “Call or text me as soon as you’re done talking to them.”?

“I promise. Now, I know I can't kiss you goodbye in case anybody sees, but just so you know I'm mentally kissing you,” I say as he pulls up outside my house. “I’m now also giving you a mental blow job.”?

“Fucking hell, Archie,” he says, adjusting his cock.

I just laugh as I get out the car.?

“See you later, lover,”?

“Nope, that is not becoming a thing,” he calls out, making me laugh again. He waits until I have the front door open before peeling away.?

“Archie? Is that you?” My mum shouts out.

“Yeah, is dad home?” I call back.

I meant what I said to Tom. I’m not worried about how they’ll react to me being in a relationship with him, I am worried about how embarrassing they’ll be the next time they’re in a room with him, though.

“In the living room,”?

I walk in and smile at the sight of the two of them cuddled on the sofa watching Countdown.

It might be weird to say it, but my parents are definitely my relationship goals. I know they have the occasional argument, but it’s usually about little things like Mum telling Dad the wrong exit to get off at a roundabout. Or Dad putting washing up liquid in the dishwasher, because he thought it was a good substitute for dishwasher tablets, and overrunning the kitchen with bubbles.

They’re best friends, and that’s what I want with Tom.

“Did you have a good training session?” Dad asks, smiling at me.

“Yeah, it was great. I was wonder-”

“Jellyfish,” Mum shouts at the telly, cutting me off. “It’s a nine letter word.”

“Do animals count?” Dad asks.

“They better fucking count. It’s my first nine letter word,” Mum says indignantly.

“Can you pause it for a sec? I have something to tell you,” I say. standing in front of them.

Dad flicks the remote at the TV, pausing the screen, and then they both look at me expectantly.

“I have a boyfriend. Tom. Whitford. He’s gay. And my boyfriend.”

They both look at me in shock for a solid two seconds before my mum starts talking.

“Sweetheart,” she says in a careful voice, eyes almost sympathetic. “Is this one of your nighttime dreams? Do you need me to wash the sheets?”

I throw my hands in front of my face. “Oh my god, Mum! No!” Not that I can really blame her for drawing that conclusion considering my history. I drop my hands and draw in a breath. “I’m serious. Tom and I are actually together. He’s closeted, so you can’t tell anyone. I just wanted you to know where I am when I’m not here so you won’t worry I’ve been abducted or something.”

“Blimey!” Dad cries. “Well, this is exciting!”

“I’ll say,” Mum agrees, looking incredibly impressed now she knows she doesn’t have to wash my cum-stained sheets. “You’re living the dream of thousands, Archie. You’ve managed to snag your teenage crush. Not many people can say that!”

I roll my eyes. “That’s not why we’re together, Mum. I mean, yes, obviously I’ve been attracted to him for a really long time, but there’s so much more to him than that.”

“I’m sure there is,” Dad agrees. “He seems like a very nice man.”

“But he’s not coming out?” Mum asks.

I shake my head. “No, he’s told the team, but he's not ready to come out publicly yet.”