Page 26 of Legend

“Why are you just standing there with the door open?” Tom’s voice breaks through my inner thoughts.

“Shit, sorry, mate. Was just thinking about how much I usually hate Friday night games. Not tonight though.” I waggle my eyebrows at him, but he completely misses my point…or ignores it. I shut the door and put my bag on the bed Tom isn’t sitting on.

“Yeah, tonight’s game was fun. It’s not often you can come to Anfield and run circles around them.” He looks right at me and the corner of his mouth turns up.

My brain is frozen. In need of a hard reset kind of frozen. Tom Whitford smirked. At. Me. And it is hot. This man seriously does not know what he does to my poor heart. Or my cock, which is already getting ideas. Really stupid ideas.

I fucking wish.

“Uh, yeah, the game is exactly what I was thinking about. Definitely not the fact that we’ll be sharing a room together and I have a very powerful urge to watch you sleep.”

“You’re not fucking watching me sleep, you little shit,” he huffs out. He stands up, taking off his t-shirt and starts unbuttoning his designer jeans.

“What are you doing?” I squeak out.

He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. Probably because I have and it’s all his fault. I know I’m nineteen and people my age are horny fuckers, but this feels like so much more than that. There is being horny and then there is being horny for someone. I am definitely experiencing the latter.

“Getting changed. I’m not going to wear bloody jeans to bed,” he says, frowning at me, which doesn’t make matters any better. If anything, it’s worse. That frown does things to me. To my cock. He could pull the stupidest face imaginable and I would get on my hands and knees for him. “What’s the problem? You’ve seen me naked in the locker room.”

I choke on nothing. “No I haven’t. Are you nuts? I know the guys are all okay with my sexuality, but I’m not risking that by staring at you and getting a boner in the locker room.”

“That isn’t going to happen.”

I just look at him. “You are topless with your jeans unbuttoned and my dick is already semi-hard.”

His eyebrows shoot to his hairline. “Fine. I’ll finish getting changed in the bathroom.” He opens his overnight bag and grabs what he needs.

“I feel like I’ve shot myself in the foot here,” I mumble, making him snort as he shuts the door. I might as well get changed as well while he’s in there.?

Grabbing my own bag, I fish out my pyjama bottoms and lay them on the bed. Sleeping naked is the way to go, but I think I’ve made Tom uncomfortable enough for one night. I strip naked and I’m just pulling the pjs over my arse when I hear a choking sound. I turn, seeing Tom coming out of the loo.

“Are you okay?”

“Fuck, uh, yeah.” He runs a hand down his face. “I don’t suppose you want to watchGavin and Stacey?”

“Is that a reality show?” I say with complete innocence.

“What the fuck, Archie?”

I can’t help but laugh at the horror on his face. “I’m just taking the piss. I loveGavin and Stacey. Dad makes us watch the Christmas special every year as we put up the Christmas tree. Nine times out of ten he’ll also get tipsy on mulled wine.”

“Doesn’t most of the alcohol get burned away when you heat it?” he asks as he gets into bed.

“Yeah, it’s impressive.”

He shakes his head and flicks on the hotel TV, bringing the show up on the menu.Gavin and Staceyis a great show but I think I spend more time watching Tom than I do the show.

He’s interesting to watch.?

I love seeing all the micro expressions that flit across his beautiful face as he enjoys the show. They’re so subtle that I might only notice it because I’m so obsessed with him and his face. I let out a little sigh. He’s so gorgeous. Even his ears are attractive. I want to suck on them as I ride his cock.

“Watch the show, Archie, not me,” Tom grumbles without taking his eyes off the TV.

“Yeah, but it’s loads more fun to watch you.”

He rolls his eyes before pushing pause on the remote and turning to me. “What happened at Lancaster?” he asks suddenly, looking at me intently. “You don’t have to tell me, of course I just…” He lets the sentence trail off.

“Where did that come from?” I ask, shocked.