The sound of my doorbell startles me out of my daydream. Finally, pizza. I rush to the door and hand the delivery guy a tip, and toss the pizza box onto the counter before the greasy goodness seeping through the box oozes onto my hands. Normally, I’d call Cole for a FaceTime session while I eat and we’d go over some flashcards, but tonight, I fight the urge. He needs time with his family. I know that, but I don’t know if I can do this without my mentor. Before I realize it, I’ve scarfed down half the pizza. I bet that jerk doesn’t even likepizza. Or kittens. God, why am I thinking about him again?

I toss the leftover half into the fridge and decide the only thing that’s going to get my mind back on track is a hot shower. Wash the day away, scrub the thought of that man from my mind, then jump right back into my work. To help feel a little more virtuous, I listen to a lecture while in the shower, blasting it through my phone speakers as I lather up my hair with a mint-scented conditioner that tingles my scalp.

The pelting drops are like a fingerless massage, and I stand under the soothing warmth until the water runs cold. By the time I step out of the cold stream, my fingers are wrinkled prunes, but I feel refreshed. And I’m ready to tackle the text books and notes laid out in front of me. I wrap my fluffy lilac robe around me and dance down the stairs refreshed and ready to go. I sprawl on the couch and begin reading the textbook again, determined to get through the next chapter without interruption.


I wake up to the sound of my watch beeping on my wrist and the sunlight streaming in through the bay window. The textbook is flat against my chest. So much for studying. I push the book off and get to my feet, scrubbing my fingers through my hair as I blink around the room. Seven o’clock in the morning, so that means I got a total of four hours sleep.

“Come on, Anders, you’ll be doing rounds on less sleep soon enough,” I try to mimic Cole’s voice as I prod myself out of bed. I check my phone and see a text from him.

I hope the prof is going to let you retake the exam. Thanks for coming with me yesterday. Rest up and don’t overdo it. I’ll see you at Cupe bright and early. Bringing FaerieBeast so bundle up to sit outside.

His text wipes some of my sleepiness away and I hustle to get dressed, pulling on light-wash jeans, a plush pink sweater, a red scarf, and my favorite white sneakers. I fidget with the sticking zipper of my backpack, and shove my textbooks inside before rushing out the door by half after, tugging my knit hat down over my ears to hide any “slept on wet hair” evidence. It’s cold enough to see my breath, so I walk briskly to keep warm, arriving at Cupitol in time to see Cole walking out of the café with FaerieBeast tucked under his arm and a paper bag in his free hand.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” he calls, using his foot to pull a chair out from underneath one of the outside tables. “Let’s sit outside. It’s too noisy in there.” He sets FaerieBeast down on the chair and opens his arms for a hug.

“It’s cold out here. Are you sure?” I answer.

“The cool air will do you some good. It’s good for the mind,” He says, as he sits down, lifting FaerieBeast onto his lap. “I’m assuming, since you didn’t answer my text last night, that you went straight to bed and got a proper night’s sleep.”

I nod unconvincingly. “Yes, of course. That’s exactly what I did.” I sit in the chair next to Cole.

He snorts. “And how late were you up?”

“Oh, it looks like we need some coffee still, why don’t I go grab that for us?” I say as I get up and sneak back inside before he can drill me further. Big brothers can be so overprotective. Sometimes I think Cole doesn’t understand how badly I need to succeed. To him, being a doctor is apartof life. To me, itismy life.

“Two maple lattes, one with an extra shot, please.” I give them my name, tap my card against the reader, and wait in the corner watching the people around me.

A tall man enters, and for a moment, I think it’s the jerk. My heart rate jumps and I twist the fringe of my scarf around my fingers, ready for a confrontation. But when his face turns in my direction, it contains none of his chiseled handsomeness. Or his penetrating gaze. I can’t help but laugh at myself. Seriously, I have one run-in with this guy–and far from a pleasant one–and now he’s cycling through my mind like an unsolvable exam question.

“Jordan!” The sound of my name shocks me out of my daze and I rush over to the counter, scooping up the two coffees before stepping back out into the cold again.

“Why are you blushing?” Cole leans forward to take the cup from me, eyes narrowing. “Did you bump into someone cute?”

“What? No. It was just hot in there, God. Sit down and eat your muffin.” I toss my backpack into the third chair and sit down in the one next to Cole, leaning over to give morning kisses to FaerieBeast.

She’s in a Faerie mood this morning, licking my cheek and leaning her weight into my fingertips as I scratch behind her ears. Her fur is velvet soft and her little snuffling noises bring a smile to my face. Cole feeds her a bite of his blueberry muffin and she makes a mess of crumbs on his lap as she inhales it with a complete lack of finesse.

“So, what’s up with the exam? Is he going to let you retake it?” He pushes a pistachio croissant to me and I snatch it up to take a big bite, chewing as I contemplate his question.

“Yes. He’s going to find a TA who can proctor it for me later in the week. I don’t know what day yet. How’s your dad doing? Have you heard anything this morning?” I ask.

Cole feeds FaerieBeast another bite of muffin. “He’s about the same as yesterday. I’m going to swing by today and see for myself.”

“Let me know if you want company.” Rearranging my study schedule to make room for another unplanned excursion would be troublesome, especially since I still don’t know when the exam is going to be. But Cole is worth it. He’s done far more than that for me over the years.

He shakes his head and leans back in his chair, cupping his coffee with both hands. “You’ve got enough on your plate and I don’t want to add to it. Hey, since you have more time to study, let’s do some flashcards. I know you’re dying to.”

We fly through the flashcards until the coffee is gone and our cheeks are frozen. FaerieBeast is snoring softly in Cole’s lap, her little ears twitching back and forth as she chases rabbits in her dream.

“Another perfect round.” He holds up his hand for a high five and I slap it, grinning. “Now get to class and don’t forget to do the most important thing ever after that.”

“What?” I pause, putting my things back in my book bag. “What is it?”

He holds up one finger. “Take a freaking break.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ll have a nice long break after I retire.” I hug him, kiss FaerieBeast, and head off toward school.