“Aww, honey,” she kisses his cheek. “It’s been twenty-seven, but who’s counting?” She grins and kisses him on the nose.

I grimace, pulling a face at their affection, but I take their words to heart. My feelings for Jordan are real. I need to make her understand that before it’s too late.

Chapter 32


Withtheweightofmy makeup exam off my shoulders, nothing could be more blissful than lying in bed on a Sunday morning. Doctor Sellers was kind enough to not dock points for missing the exam, so I still have the chance to make a perfect score on the test. She was also kind enough to not make me explain the details of why I missed the test, but she was firm when she reminded me that ‘I’m giving you a one-time pass, Miss Anderson. You’re one of my best students, but please do not let this happen again.’ I thanked her profusely and assured her I would never ask her for another exam extension.

With the bonus study time, the exam was a breeze, and now I’m lying in bed with a cup of coffee, scrolling through social media on my phone. Maybe I’ll make pancakes and put on a movie while I study, or maybe I’ll bake up a batch of cookies to nibble on while I do homework.

When I realize my mug is empty, I debate whether to leave the warm and cozy cocoon of my bed to get another cup, imaging how nice it would be some day if Tyson and I were spending Sunday morning together in bed, and I could send him to get the coffee pot. But Ty’s not here, so I nudge myself out from under the covers, picking up my empty mug from the night stand before shuffling into the kitchen for a refill.

There could be so many advantages to having Ty in my life, full time. I tally them up in my head, one by one as I refill my mug. Like a pros and cons list. The pros side fills up fast, but there are only two things on the cons side: 1) distracts me from studying and 2) fights with Cole. If I could cross those two problems off the list, could it ever be possible for Ty and me to become something more than only an occasional date?

The progress we made between Cole and Ty feels tenuous. If they don’t continue to talk, I’m afraid they’ll slip right back into their old bickering. What a waste. They’re both such great guys.

My phone rings in the bedroom. Who is calling at this hour on a Sunday morning? Mug in hand, I scurry back to my bed and dig my phone out from under the comforter. It’s Tyson. I thumb across the screen to answer and set my mug on the night stand.

“Good morning,” I say, hoping my voice sounds more awake than I feel.

“Oh, did I wake you up? It’s after ten. I figured you’d be studying by now.” The deep timbre of his voice sends a rush of heat through my body.

One-handed, I maneuver myself back under the covers and tuck myself against the headboard, clutching my coffee. “I’m awake. In bed, but awake.”

“Sounds like someone needs breakfast in bed.” The whirr of the coffee grinder followed by the hiss of an espresso machine fills the gap between his words. “Do you have plans for the day? After your morning lie-in, I mean. I’d like to take you out.”

“Out?” I sit up a little straighter. “My only plans involve studying. Maybe a movie, maybe some cookies. I haven’t decided.”

“Ooh. Tough competition. If you can squeeze me in between all of those high priority options, I’d love to see you.” The sound of Ty’s milk frother hisses in the background.

“Jeez, Ty. Do you also have an entire coffee bar there that you didn’t show me? Why not just hire a live-in barista at that point?” I tease.

“You know, that’s not a bad idea. I’ll write that down,” he says.

“I’d like to see you, too,” I add. “What are you thinking?”

“It’s a surprise. If you’re game, I’ll pick you up at one.”

I calculate the hours between now and then, trying to determine if that leaves enough time for the studying I need to do. “A surprise? Do I get a hint?” I turn up the honey in my voice, but I know he’s immune.

“You’ll need to bring some warm layers. What do you think? You up for some fun?”

“Hmm… sounds mysterious. Okay. Yes. I’m up for it, but I need to be back at my place by ten to finish studying. Deal?”

“Deal. I’ll see you soon, Jordan. Enjoy your lazy morning.”

“See you, Tyson.”

I touch [END] on my phone and set it down on the bed beside me, smiling over my cup of coffee. It’s a shakeup of my plans, but I’m too excited to see Tyson to bother stressing over it. I finish my second mug and take a shower, taking some additional time to blow dry my hair into loose curls. I swipe some bronzer over my eyelids and below my cheeks to highlight my cheekbones, and finish up with a few coats of mascara.

“Dammit, Tyson,” I mumble to myself, looking into my closet. How am I supposed to get dressed when I have no idea what we’re going to be doing? He said ‘warm layers’, so I pull on a set of black thermals covered by a pair of snug jeans, and finish with a red plaid flannel shirt and thick wool socks. I turn the heat down low in the apartment before I sit down at my desk to study. There’s a lot to get done before Tyson gets here, and I’ve only got two hours to do it.


I’m finishing up a new set of flashcards when the knock on the door snatches me from my focus. I’ve gotten a lot done, and I set the cards on the desk as I call over my shoulder.

“Come in! It’s unlocked.” Tyson enters as I’m straightening my desk, tidying up the papers and pens that are strewn everywhere.