I glance at the door again. Closed. “I know it’s not the part of Tyson you see, but you really have to believe that there’s a softer side to him. That deep down, he is a good person who really cares.”

“Way, way deep down,” Cole says, with a low whistle. He uses his hand to mime leaping off a diving board.

“Give him another chance.” I don’t know why I’m trying, but it kills me to see the two of them at odds with each other. “You’re both amazing people and if you could break through this wall that has come between you, I think you could be friends.”

Cole holds his hand out, palm up. “Let’s see those slides. I don’t want to talk about Ty anymore.”

I pass over my laptop and scoot over next to him, tucking my knees against my chest. The fire has burned down, with only one smoldering half-log left on the pile, and there’s a chill creeping into the room. Tyson would pull me into his arms to keep me warm, the heat of his body against mine better than any blanket. I wonder what he’s doing right now. My fingers move to my phone as if they have a mind of their own and I force myself to tuck it away, to focus on Cole’s comments on my slides.

“Rework this section right here,” he says, highlighting a paragraph, “and I think you’re good to go. Not bad, Anders. Maybe not up to your usual high standards, but I think it’s still A-plus material.”

He hands the laptop back to me. “Oh my god, it’s awful, isn’t it? I should just redo the whole thing. I think there’s still time if I pull an all-nighter.”

I’m about to select all and delete when Cole stops me, grabbing my hand. “You’re insane. I meant what I said, it’s A-plus worthy and I’m confident you’ll get the grade. I’ve just read enough of your work to know what you’re capable of. Don’t you dare delete it, just give that paragraph a rewrite and call it done. No all-nighters. No stressing. Done.”

“This is what I was afraid of,” I groan, throwing my head back against the couch. “You let a stupid boy into your life and everything goes downhill.”

Cole brings his hand to his chest, fingers splayed. “Excuse you. Some of us boys bring nothing but joy and laughter to your life. And tutoring. Lots and lots of tutoring. Honestly, I should start charging. Imagine the back-pay.”

I bump his shoulder with my own. “Trust me, I pay for it. Putting up with you should come with a salary.”

“Sure, sure. I pay you in puppy cuddles.” He scoops up FaerieBeast, belly up like a baby, and rocks her back and forth in his arms. “You can’t deny they’re the most valuable currency. Look at these paws. Look at these wrinkles.”

Rolling my eyes, I give FaerieBeast a belly rub. “She at least makes putting up with you worth it.”

“I’m a prize, and you know it.” Cole mock glares at me.

I give in to Cole’s banter, and spend some time reworking the section. As I finish and close up my laptop, I notice the darkness in the window and realize how late it’s getting. Late enough that Tyson could be back soon. I pick up my book bag and stuff my books into it, keeping one eye on the door. As I squeeze the last book and my laptop into the bag, I scroll through the apps on my phone. Good. The Uber app says there’s a driver in the area, one that can be here in the next five minutes.

“I should really get going,” I say, rising to my feet.

“Before the ogre gets home, yeah,” Cole replies, setting FaerieBeast down on the couch. Beastie stares daggers at him as she curls up against the arm of the couch. He’ll be paying for that later. Beastie never forgives someone for moving her out of a warm spot. And especially for waking her up.

“He’s not an ogre, Cole. I wish you could see that.” I pull my backpack over my shoulder and head toward the door. It feels heavier than it did on my way here, weighed down by all the work I have left to do. Somehow, even when I work all day, there’s always more.

“And yet,youare avoiding him.” Cole crosses his arms over his chest and gives me a look like he just played the trump card.

“You know it has nothing to do with him,” I argue, my voice getting louder. “It’s about me. I can’t focus on school if I’m spending time on dates or movies or cuddling or whatever it is couples do. It’s one or the other. Scholarships or a love life. I don’t have the luxury of both.”

“I might even argue with you about that if the guy in question were anyone else.” Cole hands me my coat. “You’re okay getting home? It might be icy out there.”

“It’ll be fine, Cole, don’t worry about me.” I give him a quick hug and blow a kiss to FaerieBeast. “Night night, Beastie. Don’t forget who loves you best.”

“Dog thief. Get out of here.” Cole pretends to swat at me as I flee. “And good riddance!”

He shuts the door behind me but I know he’s watching through the window to make sure I get in the car safely. Worrywart.

I say hello to the driver as I climb into the back seat and wave goodbye to Cole from the window, wondering if all big brothers are so protective. I know he only wants the best for me, and he only knows the worst of Tyson, but it’s hard to hear him talk about his own twin like that. When will Tyson ever be able to show Cole the softer side of himself? I hope by the time it happens,ifit ever happens, that it’s not too late. There’s hurt from both sides, and I’m the only one who knows them both. But I can’t be the bridge between them any longer. Not if I want to achieve my own goals.

Chapter 26


“Watchout!”Iyelp,holding my hands out in front of me to brace for impact. I collide with my Dad, who manages to catch me before we both go down.

“Long time no skate, huh?” Dad clucks his tongue and gives me a head shake. “All work and no play, and look where it’s gotten you. Nearly taking out your old man.”

“Hey, you skated in front of me,” I argue, but he’s not wrong.