I can imagine Tyson setting out a salad, grilled chicken breasts, and green juice and calling that dinner. My stomach would be rumbling ten minutes later. Two minutes later, my phone vibrates.

Tyson:I promise you’ll be satisfied.

A sense of anticipation rushes through me, taking the edge off the cold winter air and causing my toes to curl in my slippers. I don’t notice my coffee cup tilting in my hand until it spills over the top, burning my fingers on its way down to the floor.

“Shit.” I put my cup on the counter and run cold water over my fingers until the pain subsides. What color manicure will go with a fresh burn?Get it together, dinner is hours away.

I pick up my coffee, eyeing the rim with suspicion, and take it to the couch and set up cross-legged in front of my books. At a quarter past eleven, I put my pen down and look over what I’ve done. It’s a start, but I’ll need to squeeze in more study time between Cole and dinner with Tyson. After a quick shower, I pull on jeans and a collegiate hoodie and slick my hair back into a big claw clip. College chic. I grab my book bag and pull my jacket’s thick, faux-fur-lined hood over my head as I step outside, hoping that’ll be enough to keep my wet hair from freezing. It’s a lazy Sunday. The sidewalks are nearly empty and the road is quiet, other than an occasional passing car. Longingly, I think of my bed, wishing I could go back and curl up under my warm blanket.

“You’re late,” Cole calls in his singsong voice from our usual spot. FaerieBeast barks in agreement, squirming in his arms when she sees me. “I’ve got your coffee already so get your butt over here.”

I check the clock on the wall. “Cole, it’s five after. That’s not late. it’s basically on time. Oh, hello Faerie girl. Daddy says you’re being a good girl today. Is it true?”

She licks my cheek, wagging her stub of a tail, then dives for the croissant that’s sitting on the table. I yank the plate away before she can reach it and make a face at Cole.

“A Faerie mood, you said.” I hold the croissant away from FaerieBeast’s reach, tilting my head up to take a bite.

He shrugs. “She was in a Faerie mood five minutes ago. I can’t vouch for now. You must bring it out in her.”

“Mm,” I mumble through a mouthful, nudging FaerieBeast into the spot beside me on the bench when she tries again to steal my pastry. “I’m pretty sure you already had your breakfast, miss Beastie. Let me eat mine.”

She huffs, curling up into a ball with her eyes boring holes into me as I eat. If looks could kill. I scratch underneath her collar until she sighs, mollified.

“I thoughtmaybe you’d gone back to bed.“ Cole fiddles with the zipper on my book bag, and after a few minutes of struggling with it he unzips and starts pulling out my books. “FaerieBeast and I were going to march over and give you a wake-up call. The USMLE waits for no man. Or woman,” he announces. “And when are you going to get a new book bag? This thing is trashed.”

I groan. The USMLE is only the biggest test of my life and I don’t need Cole’s reminder — it’s been looming over me like a specter for months. “I wish I were sleeping, trust me. I was up way too late. Hey, didn’t you have a late shift?”

He opens a textbook and scans the page, no doubt selecting which material he wants to quiz me on today. “I did, but you know I don’t need sleep to function, Anders. I just need coffee.”

I nod. He looks the same as if he’d gotten a full nine hours. No dark circles hang beneath his eyes and he’s as chipper as ever. The only time I’ve seen Cole look anything but sunny was the day he found out about his father’s car accident. I think that’s what makes him such an amazing doctor, it takes a lot to shake him.

He begins firing off questions and I groan. “Come on, I haven’t even had coffee yet.”

It doesn’t faze him, and he keeps throwing out question after question, and so I answer, the correct responses coming to me from some deep recess of my mind.

“Damn, not a single one wrong. I’m impressed. You say you’ve been slacking off, but honestly, it’s not showing. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up and you’re going to crush this exam.” He stands up from the table to get us a fresh round of coffees, and hopefully some cookies, while I pull out my next set of flashcards.

He’s right, it did feel good. I didn’t struggle with any of his questions. His chipper rapid-fire questions even shook the blur of sleep from my mind and now I’m feeling sharp, ready for the next set. Cole sets down our mugs and we work for the next hour on some of the more challenging questions until he calls it quits.

“All right, that’s enough, I don’t want your brain to explode. And besides, we’re out of coffee. I’ve got to get to the hospital to take Mom out to the bookstore. Do you want to come?” he asks as he clips the leash onto FaerieBeast’s collar and pulls on his coat.

“I can’t,” I say, swallowing down the fear that makes me want to dodge his question.He knows, and he’s okay with it. Just be honest.“I’ve got dinner plans. With Tyson.”

His eyebrows climb up his forehead. “Well, good for you. I hope he’s not cooking, though. The man has a weird obsession with chicken. An addiction, actually.”

“Heiscooking,“ I say, laughing. “But I warned him it has to be real food and not salad.”

We walk out of Cupitol together, and he gathers me into a tight squeeze of a hug before saying goodbye. “Enjoy your night, Anders, you deserve it.”


At five-thirty I get a text that the car Tyson sent for me is here. I swipe on one more layer of lip gloss and pull my purse over my shoulder, shooting a guilty look at my neglected bookbag lying alone on the couch as I walk out the door. A large four-door black sedan is stopped in the street, flashers on, and I know it’s my ride, so I open the door and climb inside. The interior is pristine, with luxurious leather seats and that brand new car smell. My excitement builds during the quiet drive and when my phone buzzes with a message I jump.

Pamela:Did you get those slides finished? I just sent mine over for you to review. Only two days left!

I bite my lip as I think of a response. The honest answer isno, I haven’t finished them, because focusing my mind on anything lately has been nearly impossible. But I don’t want her to worry, and I’ll definitely have them done in time.

Me:I’ll check them out ASAP!