“Probably. It’s our routine. And he’s used to this kind of weather. He’d barely notice a few inches of snow.” I let my eyes linger on his bare chest.

Ty gets up to pour me another coffee. The kitchen is almost spotless. Almost as if he had never cooked. He must have cleaned as he went, and I wonder why he hides such a considerate man beneath such a jerk exterior. I watch him move around the kitchen, and I’m so drawn to him that I wish I had the courage to kiss him.

As if reading my thoughts, he bends to kiss me, a quick one that makes me pout for more. “I should get going.” It’s quarter to eight, and I am supposed to meet Cole at Cupitol in fifteen minutes.

“Shoot, me too.” He grabs his shirt and jacket and all too soon is ready to leave. Taking a chance, I hug him goodbye, lingering with my arms around him.

“Thanks for breakfast.” I stand on my tiptoes and steal a kiss with a sudden surge of boldness I never knew I had. If I’m going to do this thing, I might as well enjoy it.

“Anytime,” he whispers as he turns toward the door. “Except tomorrow. I have to fly back to Philly tonight for a major product launch meeting in the morning. But I’ll only be gone for a day or two.”

“Good luck with the launch. Fly safe.” The place suddenly feels devoid of life the moment he steps out the door, as if all the electricity that had been building between us was sucked out the door with him.

I spend far too long in the shower getting ready, feeling like I need to scrub all evidence of Tyson from my skin and my soul before I see Cole, and by the time I finish, it’s nearly eight. I send a quick text to Cole letting him know I’m running behind, then give my hair a quick blow-dry. Ten minutes later, I’m out the door and on my way to Cupitol, hoping that my guilt isn’t painted across my face.


I love the solitude of the library, which is full of quiet nooks and corners that most people would never find. I’m tucked into my favorite one, which happened to be open when I got here. I don’t study in the library often, but today I’m hoping that being away from the house will help me focus. Over the past three days since Tyson stayed over night on the couch, I haven’t been able to even look at the kitchen countertop without envisioning Tyson pushing me against it and lifting me up onto it. Now, when I’m sitting on the couch, all I can think about is how close together we had been. Touching, actually, hip-to-hip, with his arm around me.

Even now, here in the library, my mind tries to wander to thoughts about Tyson. But books are magic to me. Surrounded by them, I find it easier to focus on the one thing that matters.

Some day, I will be a doctor. After I’ve accomplished that, then I’ll be able to put time into a relationship, but until then school is the only thing that matters. When I’m a doctor and I can afford to take care of my parents, I can think about love.Love? Is that really what I think this could be?Groaning, I close my book with a snap. Studying is not happening. The power of the books around me seems to have failed today. I’ll head over to my parents’ house early instead and surprise them.

I don’t have to wait long for the Uber to arrive and I spend the car ride exchanging texts with Cole, who happens to be on a break at work.

Me:How’re things?

Cole:Actually ate dinner with Ty and he didn’t stab me with his butter knife. Miracle.

Me:Maybe he’s changing.

Cole:Hah, Clearly you don’t spend enough time with him.


Guilt spreads through me like wildfire. I hate lying to Cole, I hate it.

Me:How’s work?

Cole:Good. I picked up some extra shifts because one of the doctors is sick so I haven’t had a chance to see Dad for a bit. Going to head over there later tonight.

Me:Don’t forget to take time for yourself, Superman. Just made it to my parents’ place. Talk to you soon.

Cole:That’s rich, coming from you, Supergirl. Have fun and ENJOY for once.


I slip my phone into my backpack as I hop out of the car and trot up the walkway to my parents’ front door. My Dad is so fastidious. The walkway is perfectly shoveled and salted, all the way up the steps to the front door. I let myself in and breathe in the delicious smell of whatever Mom is making for dinner.

“I’m home!” I call.

“Honey!” My mom’s voice comes from the living room. “You’re early.”

She and Dad meet me in the hall and we share a hug.

“Come on in, we’re working on a puzzle and could use that brain of yours. Coffee?” Dad asks.

“You know it.”