My stomach twists. It’s about Cole, isn’t it? She’s going to reveal something Cole has been denying ever since I got here. Thereissomething more thanfriendsbetween them, and whatever this is happening between us cannot happen. I brace myself for the words I dread hearing.

“What is it?” It comes out huskier than I intend.


“You can tell me anything.” But I hope with everything in me it’s notthat.

She breathes out, long and slow. “Promise you won’t freak out?”

Shit. It’s definitely about Cole. I clench my jaw and prepare for the words.

“Promise. I won’t freak out.”She looks away, down at her feet. “I — I’m a virgin. I don’t think I’m ready.”

Oh.I take a few moments to absorb what she just said. It’s not about Cole at all, it’s abouther. The twist in my stomach eases and I pull her into a hug, feeling her sigh of relief merging with my own. “Then we can wait. As long as you want to, Jordan. Okay? There’s no rush.”

She nods, leaning her head against my shoulder, and we stay like that until I break the silence. “I think the coffee is going to be a little bitter.”

We laugh and unravel our limbs and I grab her around the waist to lift her up and set her down on the floor. My hand lingers on the small of her back as she turns to the coffee pot and pours us two mugs.

“Let me give you the tour,” she says, turning toward the living room. “There’s the bathroom,” she points to the little room on the right with the toilet. “And over here is the living room.”

She gestures grandly around the tiny space.

“Complete with evidence of your dietary indiscretions.” I nod at the empty pastry bags and takeout coffee cups.

She sticks her tongue out and leads me to the closed door at the far side of the living area. “And in here is where I don’t seem to spend enough time. If I try to study in here, I always fall asleep.”

She opens the door. It’s another tiny room, enough space for her bed, a dresser, and a plush armchair covered in clothes. The bed frame is draped with twinkling faerie lights and fluffy, pink pillows cover the bed. A purple quilt is folded neatly at the bottom.

“My mom made me that.” She points to the quilt with a gleam of pride in her eyes. “She’s so good at everything crafty. I got none of that.”

I take her by the hand and draw her back toward the living room, too tempted by the thought of what we could be doing on that bed right now. “You’ve got strengths of your own,” I reassure her.

She pushes aside some of the books and makes a space for us on the couch. It’s worn-in and I sink down into the cushion, making a gravity well that she slides into when she sits beside me, pressing us hip to hip. I wrap my arm around her and she rests her head on my shoulder.

“We can’t tell Cole anything,” she says.

“I know,” I reply. My conscience is battering me in light of what Cole told me that morning. Even if they’re not a thing, I’m pretty sure Jordan is right. I don’t think he would be happy with what we’re up to behind his back.

“Thank you. You know…” She hesitates, taking my hand in hers. “You’re not what I expected.”

“Neither are you,” I reply.

She clears her throat and frees herself from my embrace, leaning forward to pick up one of the books that fell on the floor when we sat. “I should really get back to studying. But you can stay if you want to.”

Idowant to. I want to watch her absorbing herself in her studies. I love the wrinkle that appears on her forehead when she’s working on a tough problem, the way she bites her lip when she’s thinking. “Maybe just until the snow lets up a little.”

I don’t know what I was thinking, driving down here in the middle of a snowstorm, but I don’t think logic played into it. There’s nothing here but attraction, pure physical attraction. It’s even worse now that I know I can’t have her right away. She scribbles away on a notepad, and for a time I watch her from the corner of my eye while she works. It’s hard to keep my eyes off her.

“Don’tyouhave work to do?” she asks after catching me for the third time staring at her, but she’s smiling as she says it.

I unlock my phone and scan my calendar. “Just a call. Will it bother you? I can take it outside.”

She snorts, pointing at the window with the tip of her pen. “No, it won’t. and no, you can’t. When I’m in the zone, nothing bothers me.”

I place a call and get to my feet, pacing in front of the window as I listen to Fred on the other end of the line bitching about the launch. The snow is at least six inches deep now, covering the cars so they all look like marshmallows. Even Fred’s jabs can’t penetrate the buzz I’m feeling right now.

“End of next week, Freddy. It’s not going to change, and if you ask again, I’ll push it to the week after.”