“Yes, but can you pick me up here? I want to spend an extra hour in the lab.” Her brow furrows as she turns to her textbook.

I didn’t know anyone could be so damn hot while they’re studying, but here she is. There’s something about her intense focus that drives me wild.

“I’ll bring a change of clothes for you.”

She looks up at me, arching one eyebrow. “Nothing expensive, Mr. Reynolds.”

I lift one shoulder in a shrug. “No promises, boss.”

Rolling a scrap of paper into a ball, she flicks it across the table at me. I catch it and she sticks her tongue out before turning back to her books. I take far longer than I should to organize the cards she gave me because I can’t keep my eyes off her, the way her hair falls in front of her face when she reads or nibbles the end of a pen when she’s thinking. I forget about the chair that has put my butt to sleep. Cole was right about her, and I only wish it hadn’t taken me so long to see it. She’s an amazing woman.

Chapter 34


It’sararesunnyday. The forecast promises more snow tomorrow, but for today, the sky is clear and the sunshine beams down, warm enough to avert the need for a heavy coat. Today is the day. Cole called to let me know his father is being released from the hospital, and after I hung up with him I called Tyson. Since Cole was already at the hospital, I drove up with Tyson in his sleek sports car, taking over his expensive stereo system with my dance music.

“How can you listen to this stuff?” Tyson says, pretending to block his ears at a red light.

I pull his hand away from his face and capture his fingers with my own. I kiss the back of his hand to the rhythm of the song. “It’sfun. Have you tried fun before? It’s doctor recommended.”

“You’re not a doctor yet. I have two more years of freedom before I’m required to adhere to your medical advice. God help me.” But he’s tapping his finger to the beat against the black leather of the steering wheel, and I can see the corner of his mouth curled into a dimpled smile.

“And then it’s candy for breakfast, cookies for lunch, ice cream for dinner,” I taunt, dancing in the passenger seat.

He sighs and pulls onto the highway, easing the car up to speed. “They’ll just give anyone a medical license these days. The state of things.”

“I’m going to be the best doctor,” I say.

Tyson glances at me, his dark eyes serious. “I know you are, Jordan. I’ve never doubted it.”

I turn the music up and dance the rest of the way to the hospital.

“Some day you’re going to have to teach me your moves,” he says, as we climb out of the car in the hospital parking lot. I tilt my head upward toward him, my eyes closed. “Then you’re going to have to take me dancing.”

He puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to kiss the top of my head. “I’m not much for dancing.”

I grab his hand, squeezing it tightly as I lead him inside. “You just need to loosen up. We’re making progress on that front, and the next step is dancing. We’ll take Cole with us, he loves dancing.”

“If it means you’ll take a break from studying for an evening, sign me up. I’ll chicken dance across that dance floor if I have to,” he says.

I burst out laughing at the image of Tyson flapping his arms and clucking his way across the dance floor. “NowthatI would even pay to see.”

“Anders! There you are. Hey, Ty.” Cole comes from the gift shop and trots to us at the hospital entrance. He holds up a postcard with a picture of the hospital building. “Just wanted to grab a memento for Dad to bring home, so he never forgets the great times he had here.”

“Because everyone wants to fondly reminisce over the time they almost died and had to spend several weeks trapped in a hospital,” Tyson comments with a facetious edge in his voice.

I elbow him gently in the ribs. “Maybe he wants to remember the good things that happened while he was here. I think it’s a great idea, Cole.”

“Yeah, me too. And that’s two against one, Ty, so…” Cole loops his arm through mine and we walk three across to his father’s hospital room.

Tyson clucks his tongue. “I’m going to have to get used to being in the minority, aren’t I?”

“I’m afraid so.” I smile up at him. “Cole, Tyson would like to go dancing. Care to join us?”

“Ty? Dancing?” Cole sputters out a laugh. “I’ve never seen it and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Sign me up and tell me when. Even if I have to call out of a shift, I’ll be there. Ty, dancing. Oh, man.”

Groaning, Tyson speeds up his pace, dragging us along behind him. “Come on, let’s move. Only Mom can save me from you two.”