My computer is on and ready, and I can make up for some of Amanda’s absence on my own, but the truth is, she’s got a much better grasp on the ins and outs of Guardian 2.0 than I do. Instead, I unlock my phone and check for a message from Jordan. The notification brings a smile to my face, shaking me out of my ugly mood.

Jordan:Will you be able to make it back tonight? I’ll get my studying done early and maybe we can grab some late takeout and put on a movie.

That’s Jordan. Even when she’s talking about dinner and a movie, she’s thinking about her work first. I’ve never met anyone who works as hard as she does, besides myself. It’s one of the things I like most about her, her drive, and I want to support her as much as I can, but sometimes, it’s good to take a break.

Me:I think so. But not until late. Why don’t we meet out somewhere instead? Real dinner outside of the house. Maybe even dress up a little.

I’m not only thinking about how amazing she’d look in a cocktail dress. She deserves a treat, and dinner is the least I’d like to do for her. A new place, for starters, though her tiny apartment is growing on me. A car, so she’s not wasting money on Uber all the time. The list goes on.

I wait for her response, seeing the message switch from Sent to Read.

Jordan:I’ll think about it.

I grin and tuck my phone back in my pocket, knowing I’ll be pulling it out ten more times today to see if she’s messaged me. I’ve got celebratory drinks planned at the office for the post-launch party, but I’ll be a good boss and leave after making an appearance so everyone can let their hair down. If I get in the air by six, I could make it back to Chicago for a late dinner.

I’m finalizing the launch details with the team when another message comes through.

Jordan:Where would we go?

Victory.I catalog the nicest restaurants in the city, discarding them one by one as not good enough, not special enough to take a girl like Jordan. I land on the perfect one. A trendy, romantic spot with only eight tables, and a fireplace that gives the entire place a cozy ski lodge feeling in the middle of winter.

Me:Eight Tables. Nine o’clock. I’ll send a car to pick you up.

This time I have to wait an hour for her answer.

Jordan:I don’t have anything to wear to a place like that. How about Wendy’s?

I try not to gag. Cole can take her to Wendy’s. I’m going to show her that there’s more to life than takeout and schoolwork.

Me:How about I have the driver pick you up early and she can help you pick out a dress? My treat.

I can tell by her living situation that she doesn’t have the money to buy a dress on a whim and, knowing Jordan, she wouldn’t do something so impulsive even if she had the money to spare.

An hour goes by without an answer.

Another hour goes by before I decide to put my phone in my backpack to stop myself from checking it.

I keep my eyes on the team chat as Guardian 2.0 officially goes live, checking in periodically on the sales numbers. The numbers are better than I anticipated, and I clip a screenshot to send to the board members. I can’t help adding in a cheeky, “Aren’t you glad we waited until it was perfect?” just for Freddy.

Despite Amanda’s absence, the launch goes off without a hitch, and I tell the team to take off early for the open bar, leaving a few on call members in case trouble emerges. My phone has yet to ding with Jordan’s response.Fuck. Did she think I was condescending by offering to buy her a dress? I should have picked a place without a fancy dress code.

I stop by the launch party for a brief visit with the team, and to make the rounds, shaking hands and thanking everyone for their hard work. By the end, I’m worn out and want nothing more than to pass out early. Well, maybe one thing more.

I get to the airport earlier than planned when her text finally comes through.

Jordan:I’m waiting.

Every trace of exhaustion vanishes. I climb the steel portable stairway to get into the jet and fall back into the lounge seat at the back of the cabin and send a text.

Me:Change of plans. I’m getting in early. How about I meet you at your place at seven?

Jordan:Ooh. Yay! Yes.

Me:We can stop at Arrabella’s Boutique on the way.

Jordan:Okay. You know how much I love to window shop there??.

Me:Great! I’ll see you at seven.