Cole laughs. “Seriously, never. She’s always been such a good friend.”

“And you don’t want to ruin your friendship?” I press.

“I don’t know. No. It’s not really that. I’ve just never thought of her that way. She’s like a sister to me.” Cole huffs out a long breath as we reach the top of our climb. The panoramic view is spectacular, the sunlight sparkling from the fresh snow flakes covering the treetops and the tiny lake of frozen meltwater reflecting beams of golden sunlight.

I quickly lose interest in the view, and return to Cole’s girlfriend. I can’t imagine anyone thinking of a girl like that as asister. She’s hot as fuck, witty, and she’s got the kind of attitude that pushes buttons. Cole seems earnest, but I wonder if he’s holding back. Maybe he’s just too chicken to make a move.

“Look, man,” Cole says, his tone becoming devoid of all levity. “I don’t know what happened between us but–”

I cut him off. “Yeah, right?” The fuck he doesn’t.

He stares at me wide-eyed, and I want to smack the dumb look off his face. “Ty, I’m serious.”

“I don’t want to hear it, not while I’m trapped up on a mountain with you.” I huff out a breath. “Not ever, actually.”

“Come on, if we could just talk a little, I think it would clear the air.”

“We should get back,” I say, turning my back on him. “It looks like it’s going to snow again soon.”

Maybe I can lose him on the way down. Right now, I’d rather walk home than get into a car with Cole.

Gray clouds, thick as a sheet begin to move in, threatening the abundant sunshine from only moments ago. Cole looks up at the sky, wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his hoodie. “You’re right, let’s go.”

FaerieBeast bounds ahead, casting looks over her shoulder as if she’s not sure she can trust us alone.

The silent hike down the mountain gives me too much time to think, and my gut churns with confusion when I think about the way I kissed Jordan the other night. It was driven partly by desire, but also by the urge to strike back at Cole. Now, thoughts of her plague me daily, and I wonder if there’s more than revenge at the heart of my feelings. Cole said there is nothing between them, but whatever it is, I can’t get her out of my mind.

There’s another stop I need to make tonight after I’m done visiting Dad.

Chapter 11



“I’m telling you, Anders, the guy took me with him only to then avoid me the entire time. I tried clearing the air, but he wouldn’t even let me talk,” Cole’s voice hitches.

I prop my phone between my shoulder and my ear and twist the knob on the thermostat. The snow is falling heavily outside, giant wet flakes burdened by the weight of their excess water plummeting to the ground in clumps. We must have gotten a warm front. It’s still winter outside, but a lot warmer than it was yesterday. And it’s cozy in here. I’m in a tank top and shorts, with my long fluffy socks pulled up to my knees, and a well-worn cardigan around my shoulders. It’s one of the sweaters my mom knit for me and, much like everything else she has given me, I’ve worn it to threads.

“Well, do you feel like it would help? Talking, I mean.” I stare out the window, watching the snow fall and trying to imagine the two of them on a hike together. The hostility between them when Tyson is around is thick and heavy. It must have taken a miracle for their mom to get them to agree to spend even a minute together.

Cole sighs, the sound of pouring liquid and the clinking of a spoon on the other end of the phone, and I know he’s comforting himself with a sweet, creamy cup of coffee. “How should I know? But I at least wanted to try. He’s being a total asshole since he came back, and I have no clue why,” he replies.

I curl up on the couch with my legs tucked beneath me and watch the snowfall in the window. My books and papers are scattered all around, some on the couch, some on the coffee table, and some on the floor. It was an all-day study session, sustaining myself on the pastries I’d brought back from my trip to Cupitol with Cole that morning.

“And at the hospital?” I flip the phone to speaker mode and set it down on the arm of the couch so I can pick up the last half of a chocolate chip cookie, marveling at how much of an enigma Tyson is even to his own brother.

“Same. Except around Mom, of course. He’s always sweet with her. My dad, though? Nope. He treats Dad like he treats me, as if he can’t stand having him around, either. I just wish…” Cole’s voice changes, suddenly becoming more upbeat. “Oh hi Faerie girl, do you hear Jordan? I know, you miss her. Hey, why don’t you come over tomorrow?”

And see Cole and Ty together? I squirm thinking about it. “Um, Cole, I don’t know if you’ve looked out the window, but it’s coming down pretty hard. I might be hunkering down for a day or two. I’ll let you know, though.”

“Fine, but don’t spend the whole snowstorm studying.” He puts on his big brother voice. “Take a break, read a book for fun, do a puzzle. And don’t overdose on coffee, promise?”

“Sure, sure. Like you’re not pouring yourself a cup right now,” I tease.

“That’s different, I’m about to start a shift. Oh shit, I gotta get going. Take care of yourself, Anders, since I’m not there to do it for you.” He hangs up before I can say goodbye, probably already ten minutes late to wherever he needs to be.

I sigh and lie back on the couch. He’s right, I do need a little break. My brain is fried from endless hours of homework and, as much as I’d deny it out loud, probably could use something other than sugar to fuel it. Picking up my phone, I scroll through takeout options, flipping past the burgers and chicken wings to the salad choices. Salad. Who am I? I think of Tyson, his intense eyes on me as he leans forward to feed me the Brussels sprout. Then I think of what came after.