He unzips his coat and holds it open like a hug. I shake my head and take a step back. “No way. Not happening.”

“It’s better than freezing.”

I’m not entirely sure I agree with him. I hold out for another ten seconds, then step into his warmth. His arms encircle me like a cocoon of comfort. I turn around, my back against him, so that at least I don’t have to be so close to his face, but being pressed against him from behind feels somehow even more intimate.

“You’re squirming.” He tightens his arms around me so I’m forced to be still.

“Well, I don’t want to be any closer than I have to be,” I reply.

“Yes, you seem entirely miserable.” His voice is breathy and soft and so close to my ear, sending a current down my spine that makes my toes curl.

Headlights flash as a car pulls into the lot, and I break free from Tyson’s hold. “Please don’t tell Cole about this. Like about any of this. This whole night.”

I do an awkward half-run half-walk to the car door and throw my book bag inside before hopping in. After I shut the door behind me, I feel like I can breathe again, and the tinted windows let me watch him without being seen as the car pulls away. He watches us go, eyes on the back window where I’m seated until we turn onto the street. Glancing in the rearview mirror, I watch his back as he heads toward home. It’s going to be a long ride with nothing but my thoughts for company.


The next morning, I’m up before my alarm, coffee brewing and my head buried in my books. I got a text from Cole shortly after midnight that gave me the stress relief I needed to fall asleep.

Cole:Sorry, Anders, phone died at the hospital. I’m home safe now. Dad is doing better, but still not out of the woods. I stayed late to bring dinner to Mom and keep her company for a while. See you tomorrow at Cup?

I didn’t answer right away, still stewing about everything that had happened last night. I’m still trying to pick through my feelings about it all. That kiss. My toes curl again thinking about it. He’d felt so warm, soright. I’d completely lost my head.

Me:So happy to hear about your Dad. Hug your Mom for me. I’ll be there!

I feel guilty, but I can’t not be with him right now. Thoughts about Tyson, how awful I feel about having to keep a secret from Cole, the whole thing is a whirlwind of emotions that’s distracting me from my studies. I get dressed to head out to Cupitol, packing on some layers for the walk. He’s happy to see me when I arrive, and it’s great to see him. We spend an hour together studying, petting FaerieBeast, and pounding coffee. The familiar routine puts me at ease, washing away thoughts of Tyson.

Cole has to take FaerieBeast home before going to work at the hospital, so we say goodbye before I walk back home alone. There’s a refreshing spring in my step. Cole is my rock.

I get home and shed my winter layers and pull on a pair of comfy joggers and a loose crop top. I put my phone into focus mode for the day and have no intention of doing anything but classwork.

After burying my nose in my books for who knows how long, my stomach growls, so I look up at the clock for the first time since I got home. It’s a little after one, and it occurs to me that I skipped breakfast. I was so happy to see Cole that I hadn’t even thought about a pistachio croissant.

I throw some leftovers in the microwave, boneless wings from two nights ago, and dial my mom while I wait. She answers after two rings, her voice bringing a smile to my face.

“Hey, honey.” I can hear the crunch of her boots on snow. “It’s so nice to hear from you.”

“Hey, Momma.” The microwave beeps. I pull out the wings and the smell of buffalo sauce fills the room.

“Is that the microwave? Tell me you’re not eating microwave dinners again. Real food, baby, real food.”

“I don’t have time for real food, I have to study.” I bite into a wing while it’s still too hot and pant open-mouthed like a dog trying to extinguish the burning.

“Not all the time. Take a break, hang out with your friends, and maybe even find a boyfriend. There’s more to life than school.”

“I don’t remember you taking many breaks when I was a kid.”

“All so that you could have a different life.”

I sigh, twisting my hair up into a clip to keep it out of the wing sauce. “I’ve heard this before, Mom. I know what I’m doing, okay? The last thing I want is for you to worry about me. I’ve got this.”

I can hear her exasperated sigh and know she’s probably fiddling with her own hair, pushing her bangs out of her face. It’s one of the many quirks I inherited from my mother.

“Alright, dear. When are you coming for dinner? How about Sunday? I’ve got chicken casserole planned.

My calendar app reminds me that I’ve blocked off the next… three months for studying. “I’ll be there, but I have to bring some school work, okay?”

“Whatever it takes to see you, though you know how I feel about it.”