“Look at the mess you made,” she says with a soft giggle.
As she gets up, pulling her corset back over her breasts, a piece of paper sticks to the bottom of her heel. She plucks it off and does a double take. It’s my expense sheet for the night.
“Sorry. Didn’t really get a chance to put things away before…” My voice trails off. Before what? Before she burst into my office like a vengeful banshee or before she turned into a horny vixen and shoved her tongue down my throat? The adrenaline begins to fade—along with the blood from my dick—and my brain clears.
What the fuck have I done? Don’t shit where you eat. I know this, and still I fucked an employee, even if she is just here for the weekend.
Her eyes dart back and forth as she scans the paper. She hands it to me and her body language shifts. The confidence she just fucked me with is replaced with the demeanor of the shy girl who stumbled into the club half a day earlier.
Avoiding my gaze, her voice softens. “You calculated the tax percentage wrong.”
I blink, glancing down at the expenses. There’s no way she could have done the math that fast. “Are you sure?”
But when I look up, she’s already out the door, disappearing down the hallway.
She glances back with a subtle smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I tuck myself away, zip up, and pull out my calculator to redo my math. Lara’s right.
“Holy shit.”
I’m instantly hit by the magnitude of what just happened.
Holy shit. I may have just fucked away the most valuable employee that’s ever walked through my doors.
Chapter 5
“Wh-wha-wha…”Anuncomfortablewarmrush fills my cheeks as I struggle to spit the question out.
I rarely stutter anymore. But when it happens, it’s usually because I’m uncomfortable, and that usually occurs when I’m afraid to say no or I’m blindsided, shoved into the spotlight.
Jamie raises his eyebrows, and I feel the beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. He’s put me on the spot, and I’m not sure how to respond. I inhale a deep breath, remembering what years of speech therapy taught me. Think the words first and then say them out loud.
What the fuck?
A subtle smile passes across Jamie’s face. “Did you hear me, Lara? I’d like to promote you to bookkeeper.”
It’s Saturday afternoon, an hour before Eden’s opens, and although it’s only my second shift, I almost didn’t come in. I’m regretting my spur-of-the-moment decision to have sex with Jamie. My need to take control basically gave him what he wanted. What they all want. When I woke up this morning, I justified it as exhaustion, as anger from the past funneling into the present, but that doesn’t change the truth.
I’ve never been a vengeful person by nature. Manipulating isn’t like me… and doing it by using my body now feels foolish, embarrassing even. Aren’t I just proving his point? That I’m a whore? A toy?
“Lara? Are you okay?”
And yet, somehow… it worked. He’s offering me a promotion, one that will give me control over the financial aspects of his business. If I really want to fuck him over and destroy him, this is my chance.
Yet, I can’t wrap my head around it.
Jamie sighs, as if he’s relieved I’m actually speaking. He drops a dirty rag in the sink and leans over the bar. “Because you’re good with numbers. You saved my ass last night when you didn’t have to. Twice. And honestly, I have so much going on, I’m making more mistakes than I can afford right now. I should have hired someone for this job months ago. You just kind of fell into my lap.”
His eyes widen at his own words, and he blinks, glancing away.
I can’t help but snort. “So, that’s the real reason you’re offering me this? Because I slept with you?” Of course it is. Isn’t that the natural order of things? Turn down my bosses and I get fired… fuck them, and well, here I am.