Page 99 of Code Name: Phoenix

“I don’t know anything. What’s happening?”

“I’m bringing Zane online in one minute.” Jessa’s voice flows through the comms link in our room, and everyone momentarily freezes.

The second video screen powers up, and the entire room goes silent.

This is it.

Zane’s identity, everything, will be put out there, and we have absolutely no control on our end to stop what’s about to happen.

If Jessa can do this kind of damage on her own, I can’t fathom the destruction that will come once she accesses Zane.

“Hunter tells me I have your word, Maxwell. We do this, and we’re out. All three of us.” She makes eye contact with Dana and flashes a regretful smile.

“No, Jessa. Don’t do this.” Dana bangs on the glass.

“You have my word,” Maxwell bites out through gritted teeth.

His words are hollow. He has no intention of ever letting her go.

Dana looks at both of us. “I don’t understand. It’s a safety thing. She shouldn’t be able to connect to Zane without me.”

“Need-to-know, Dee.” Logan’s words sober me, and my heart sinks to think she’s played everyone, including her best friend.

Tapping at the keypad, Jessa turns her head, and all of us follow her eyes up to the video screen as it flashes to life and Zane’s real identity fills the screen.



I can’t go back now.

Even if I could, I’m not sure I could have done anything differently. Looking up and seeing my closest friend stare at me in confusion is too much to bear, and I know this needs to end.

Typing in my final bit of code, I check my phone one last time to make sure I have what I need. Then, taking a deep breath, I connect to Zane.

As he fills the screen, my heart swells.

The man I did all of this for smiles back at me as my brother’s image joins our meeting.

“Travis?” Maxwell’s surprised voice stabs into me, and I need a second deep breath just to maintain my composure a little longer.

I need everything to hold together for a few more minutes, then I will tell them all the truth and face my fate as I burn everything down.

I turn back to my computer and begin linking my server to Zane as I listen to the conversation for response cues.

A quick glance to Logan and Jack confirms that my distraction is working. Now that Zane is online, I’m secondary once again, and I’m more than happy to use this to my advantage. All eyes, including Dana’s, are on the image of my brother on the screen until…

“Zane, I’m in. System is open for your access.” I speak into the room.

Turning off the video connection to Zane, I enter the codes I need to run all the programs that have been set up over the years.

With Zane offline, all eyes are back on me. I can only assume Link is filling Logan and Jack in on my progress through the headsets they are wearing. Then, with two final keystrokes, I’m done, and I need to make my next step believable.

“Zane has everything he needs, Maxwell. Have your team accept our access request, and we’ll begin by transferring their financials. Then we’ll move to their security and systems access; he’s still working on those.” I glance as calmly as I can over my shoulder and confirm Maxwell’s greed has overridden his common sense once again.

“We’re ready for you.” Maxwell nods to someone off-screen as a disgusting sneer spreads across his face.

My stomach is ready to jump out of my throat at the thought that I’m only seconds away from having everything I need. I stop typing and stare at my screen, waiting for the authorization I need to continue.