Page 97 of Code Name: Phoenix

Footsteps fall behind me, and panic forces my heart into my throat. I glance over my shoulder. Hunter follows me silently down the hall, raising one finger to his lips.

Opening the first set of doors, Hunter walks across to the observation window, looking into the comms area where I’ll be sitting. He drops a duffel bag on the counter in front of the window, unzips it, then steps back and turns to me.

“Everything you asked for is in there.”

I pull the bag open, grab my phone, turn it on, and unlock it. All of my apps are still in place, and I slide it into my front pocket, then continue digging.

Dana’s phone is the next item I pull out. Turning it on, I punch in her lock code to check that it is also still intact, and it is.

I place her phone down on the shelf beside the bag. I only hope she finds it and she’s able to make it out of here with everything on it.

I take a deep, cleansing breath. Everything from now on will fall as it may.

Digging around in the bag, I find the two laptops I requested.

Hunter is watching me uneasily.

“Where’s Waldo? Aren’t you two supposed to be on duty now?” I ask, trying to distract him.

He’s all business. “I asked him to double-check the fence along the south side forty minutes ago. It’s the farthest side. He should be far away for another five minutes or so. Is that enough time to get secure?”

“Yes. I only need about five minutes in there.” Grabbing the bag with the laptops, I move around Hunter, through the door, and into the comms area to set up. “Do whatever you need to do out there. I’ll be locking us in this room in three minutes. That will set off the first alarm. They should be here within ten minutes.”

I move to the main table and pull out the two laptops. Hunter wastes no time in stepping into the comms room, where he stands back against the wall to let me finish my work.

I power up the first computer. This is the one I’ll use to take over the servers on base. Once I grant myself access, I’ll override Link’s authorities, lock us in, and take control of all of their systems and programs.

As the first screen comes to life, I open the second laptop. I’ll use this one to connect to Maxwell and run the communications, which reminds me: “Is Maxwell standing by?”

“Yes. I told him to be ready at five and we would come online a little after that. Here is his number and information.” Stepping toward me, he places a folded piece of paper beside me on the table. I open it, then slide it under the corner of the laptop. Then I shift to remove my phone and access the screen, placing it off to the side of my work area.

The first laptop finishes its startup. When the security screen pops up, I enter the login information that is taped to the corner of the screen. The computer pauses for one long moment to verify the information. Then my heart both leaps and sinks simultaneously.

I’m in.



“Wake up, Jack. We’ve been breached.”

I instinctively jolt out of bed and grab my clothes as I move across the dark room toward Logan, who is yelling at me through my door.

I feel like my head just hit the pillow minutes ago, and confusion sets in. We knew we were sitting ducks. We’re low on manpower, and only Hunter and Waldo are on the grounds. A breach could happen at almost any point around our perimeter.

I glimpse at my clock on the shelf.

5:08 a.m.

As I open the door, Logan is already turning to run, and I fall in on his six and catch up to be briefed. Grizz and Grey join up with Logan in the middle of the compound, and there are no pleasantries.

“Grey, get a vehicle supplied and ready to go in case we need it. Then take the bike and circle the perimeter. Eyes open for Hunter and Waldo. Base comms are down, and no one is checking in. If you come across them, send them to the control center.”

Grey nods, then runs past me toward the garage. I turn my attention back to my team, trying to piece together our situation.

Logan squares his attention on Grizz. “Get Dana. Bring her to the comms room now.”

Grizz spins on his heels and runs toward the girls’ room as Logan yells out to him, “I don’t have time for her shit. Get her there.”