Page 8 of Code Name: Phoenix

Being transient has kept us both alive for this long.

I run the operations under Zane. Managing details is what I do.

I hire management companies who deal with other management companies on our behalf. Everything is online now, and that is also where all of the coin and corruption is. So that is where we are. We do the jobs we are hired to do and stay five steps ahead of everyone else.

I can’t remember when we last took time off. I’ve been working job after job lately.

I just wanted to give Dana a break, time to hang out away from our constant work with Zane. A chance to watch movies and eat all the junk food I stocked the place with. A chance to live the lives we barely remember anymore.

I even bought us a little motorboat to take out on the lake behind the property.

The boat.

That’s it.

Maybe we can make it to the boat. It’s through the trees out back. Maybe they aren’t aware of it. It’s a chance we’ll have to take.

“What’s going on?” Dana’s voice snaps me out of planning our escape as she appears from upstairs.

“Shh,” I hush, and she instantly freezes. “No time to explain. Perimeter is breached. We only have minutes before they’re here. I’ve alerted Zane.” I move to the side window, then check the cameras on my phone. I count three men crossing the field toward the back and sides of the house. “Dammit. I’m going to try to take one out. That might open up an escape route.”

“Who are they?” Dana asks as she moves away from the windows, panic appearing to set in.

A couple of camouflaged vehicles emerge through the tree cover and pull up the driveway.

“Don’t know. But there’s no reason for anyone to be here, and they brought backup. So it’s not good. Answer the door, but don’t unlock the outside one. See what they want. Maybe it’s local law enforcement; then you can ask them to leave the property. That will buy us some time. If it isn’t, you’ll need to get out of here, and I’ll take care of the computer. If you can get away, head straight out back and run through the trees. I have a boat down by the lake. Just get in and go. Keys are in a holder beside the wheel.” I grab a metal elephant statue off the bookshelf and test its weight in my hands.

“But what about you?” Her eyes are wide now. She’s never come this close to being captured before, and I know she’s worried.

We’ve reviewed possible scenarios, and we’ve practiced our escape plans over and over, but having everything go down like this in real time, with real consequences for failure, is a different game.

I know Dana. Her fear sets in fast, but she’ll hit a point where her brain shuts off her heart and she soldiers through.

“You know if I can make it, I’ll be there before you. If I’m not, just go. One of us needs to remain free to get the other out. You know what to do when you get into cell range.” She nods at my words, and I turn to jog across the living room toward the steps. “Just stay cool and stall them. I’ll be right back.”

Moving quietly past her, I run up the stairs carrying the extra weight of the statue and turn to move down the hall toward the window overlooking the side entrance.

The farmhouse has an entrance on every side. I was specific when I bought this place. It had to be far from neighboring eyes, and it had to have a lot of exit points—though, judging by the manpower outside, it might not have enough.

As I step quietly to the window, the average frame of a man approaches the side entrance.

Standing quietly behind the curtains, I tighten my hold on the statue as he glances up at the open window. As long as I don’t move, I’m sure he can’t see me through the sheer fabric.

He returns his attention to the door as he reaches out to test the handle.

Moving quickly between the curtains, I reach through the window, line the statue up, then let the elephant fall toward its intended victim. With a heavy thud, the man grunts and drops to the ground, motionless.

Closing the window, I turn to slowly creep back across the floor. The sound of the doorbell stops me dead in my tracks. My heart pounds in my chest.

I’ve been caught once before, and it didn’t end well for me.

I can’t let that happen again.

Memories of those fateful days still creep into my nightmares, and I pray this time it isn’t the devil I know knocking at our door.

There is nothing worse than the devil I know.

The doorbell chimes a second time, snapping me back to my reality, and I creep down the hall toward the steps.