Page 25 of Code Name: Phoenix

I’m suddenly curious what information they got out of her, but I decide not to ask.

“Is it my turn now?” I break his gaze and walk over to pick up my clothes from the cot, gesturing that I could get dressed and be ready.

He matches my steps and covers my hand holding the clothes with his. He pushes them back onto the cot, leaving me shivering in my towel.

“Not yet, Jessa.” His solemn tone makes me sad.

He almost sounds regretful, and I want to be back in the moment when he kissed me earlier.

“I don’t like to be cold.” A chill sinks into my skin, slowly stealing away the warm comfort I had in the shower.

His close proximity confuses me. Feelings I thought I had pushed down long ago surface, and somehow I feel a little smaller standing in front of him. The silence is paralyzing.

As if lost in his own world, he looks from me to my towel, then shifts his eyes to take in as much of the room as he can without turning his head. Then, breaking out of his frozen stance, he pulls his phone from his pocket. “Link, black out the room I’m in. No audio or video.” He pauses to listen to the response, and when he speaks again, he sounds irritated. “It’s a direct order from me. I’ll deal with him later.”

As he puts his phone down on the table, his eyes slowly move to the video camera in the corner of the ceiling. I turn to look in the same direction. The light on the camera is still on. Then, a moment later, it blinks off.

Our eyes meet again as we return to our original positions, and I stand still, frozen in uncertainty.

Taking two steps toward me, Jack stands flush with my damp body, and I take a step back to center myself. I can’t afford to let my guard down.

He doesn’t allow the space. He matches my step, and I take another, then another. We only stop when I collide with the cold wall, and even then he takes a final step, pinning me in place.

I lift my hand to his chest, trying to create space between us, but he doesn’t allow it. As I brace my hand against his shirt, he lifts his arm, and he continues until his palm is on my throat. His fingers slowly wrap around my neck.

“I looked for you, Jessa. For a long time before I finally accepted you were dead. You need to know I did look. But I stopped. I accepted you were gone. But I never—not one day—stopped loving you.” Then, leaning into my face, his lips just beyond my own, his voice is a murmur. “You were mine, and I was yours.”

Chills prickle across my skin as goosebumps form over my entire body, and I clutch the thin towel wrapped around me.

This isn’t the Jack I remember. It is him, but he’s grown into this man standing in front of me.

“Jack, I—”

His actions steal the rest of my sentence as the warm fingers of his free hand graze the inside of my thigh.

Keeping his hand firmly around my neck, he’s lost in his own thoughts as he looks over my face. As his eyes drop lower, his fingers trail higher. He stops just as he reaches the spot where my thighs touch, and he waits.

My eyes are locked tight onto his. Keeping his head in place, his eyes slowly move back to meet my stare.

“This is mine, Jessa.” His voice is soft but demanding.

He refuses to look away. Drawing his fingers in small circles, he continues his path. I lose my composure and whimper as I capitulate to him.

My legs buckle, but I shift to strengthen my stance. Jack presses his body against mine, pinning me to the wall as his fingers find a sensitive spot, and I brace my hands on his arms, clutching at his shirt.

That simple move makes me vulnerable, and he takes advantage of my position. His weight against my body lifts briefly as a wave of cold air hits me. My eyes shoot open in time to see him dropping my towel to the floor.

I’m still pinned in place by his hand around my neck. In one move, his body is back against mine as he picks up where he left off.

I’m unable to restrain myself when he slips his finger inside of me. I moan loudly as his lips crash against mine, muffling my pleasure and physically laying claim over what we both know has always been his.

I abandon all rational thought as I lift my leg to wrap myself around him. He removes his hand from my throat to slide it under my ass, lifting me against him. Then he turns and moves across the room, kicking a chair to the side and placing me down on the table.

My heart pounds into my throat as I release my grip and lie back. The surface of the metal table is cold, but I no longer care.

There is only one thing I want right now.