Page 107 of Code Name: Phoenix

“Boss, it’s everything, and stuff is still coming in. All of his financials have either been dumped into our accounts or are frozen until we can get to them. Hold; one moment.” The frenzy of fingers tapping on a keyboard replaces his voice as we wait for more information. Then he returns, and his voice has picked up in speed and pitch. “Shit, she’s brilliant. I can’t believe this, Jack. If Maxwell made it out, he’s as good as done. Jessa’s files are detailed. She has everything on him. Compromising video, records of blackmail. There are a few solid instances of treason in here. With the records she has on him and his father, they won’t see a court of law. Someone will just do away with them. Top-level, secret-clearance shit.” The excitement in his voice tells me she really did do it, and a surge of pride bursts out of me before I hear Link’s next question: “Do you want me to call an ambulance?”

Logan nods at me, and I know his answer. It’s the same as mine. “No, Link.”

Waldo and Grizz look up for a moment in confusion, and I continue, “We’ll need to get her mobile here and transfer her over to your area for recovery. The conversation with Maxwell was broadcast out. The authorities and anyone who would want to use Jessa or Zane for their benefit heard her confession; they saw her die. She needs to remain dead, Link. Do you understand?” I wait for his response as Grizz turns his focus back to Jessa, with Waldo following his lead.

They are on board.

“Affirmative, boss. I will begin procedures for handling our two DOAs. Neither have any family to claim them, so they will be cremated and buried in unmarked graves at your approval.”

“Approved.” As I answer Link, I stand to move across the room, opening the door to the small area that held Hunter until his final breath.

The door pushes against his leg, then opens reluctantly to Hunter’s lifeless body facedown on the floor.

Disappointment sets in as a decade of memories turn into lies.

I’ll never know why our friend, one of the longest-serving members of our team, did this.

“She’s almost ready for transport to sick bay.” Waldo’s voice reminds me I have some questions for him.

Before I open my mouth to ask, Logan takes over. It’s like we share the same brain. “Waldo, what the fuck were you doing in that cabinet with a gas mask on?”

Grizz smirks to himself as he continues to work, thankful he’s not in our line of fire as Waldo stands up.

“Well. Okay.” Raising his arms in a plea to hear him out, Waldo continues, “Look, there wasn’t any time. There I was, sound asleep, when your girl wakes me up. She scared the shit out of me. She said that something was going down, and I was the only one here who could help.” My back goes straight at his suggestion that she didn’t consider me trustworthy.

Before I can defend myself, he cuts me off. “She said she had a chance to take down Maxwell’s organization. All of it. But she needed to do it her way. She needed you both to be present, and she needed Maxwell to see your real reactions. She said she was only going to route the harmless gas into the room to knock her out. I didn’t know until I heard Link say the cyanide came in along with it. By then it was too late to stop it. I knew I had the antidote kit though.”

“And you trusted her? Just like that?” Logan is a little unhinged. The events of the last half hour have us all operating on adrenaline.

“Well, now that you’re saying it like that, I—shit, boss, it was a rush decision. I didn’t take a side to deceive you. I took the side I thought was going to help us. I’ve been with you guys for a long time—eight years. Maxwell has been our target for all of that time. This was our chance, and whether I told you or not, something was going to happen. I didn’t want it to be another eight years.” He’s looking between us.

If I’m being honest with myself, he made the right decision. I wouldn’t be thinking this if Jessa wasn’t breathing right now, or if our servers weren’t back online. But once the dust settles, we may be in the clear because of both Jessa and Waldo.

Fucking Waldo. Of all people.

“Look, I made the choice to trust her. She left me with my gun, she told me to grab a gas mask, and she told me where to be and what to do. After Hunter ordered me to check the perimeter, I doubled back and got into place. She told me, no matter what was said or done, to not come out until the beeping alarm went off. The only thing she didn’t divulge was that the gas was deadly. By the time I heard Link, it was too late. I was locked in the room, and it was coming in no matter what. I had to stay the course.” Then turning to me to plead for support, he continues. “Jack, I—”

“It’s okay, Waldo.” I hold my hand up to stop him as panic inches across his face. Logan shoots me a surprised glance. “It worked out. I need to process this. Thank you for having her back. She wouldn’t have asked for help if she wasn’t desperate. Thank you for not letting her down, and for protecting the unit.”

My words catch Waldo by surprise, and he stammers, “I—thanks, Jack.”

I point to Jessa, and he steps back from us, then turns to help Grizz pack up the emergency kit.

There’s still a bit to sort through, and we’ll properly debrief him later.

Right now, our priorities are shutting down communication and containing the information we now possess.

“Uh, boss?” I crane my neck up to Grey standing at the door, taking in everything around us, and his eyes are wide.

“No time to explain,” Logan starts as he formulates our next steps. “I need you to bring Dana back to her room. We’ll need to—”

Before he can finish, Grey sheepishly cuts him off. “Boss. That’s why I’m here. She’s gone.”

“WHAT?” Grizz jumps to his feet, startling everyone in the room, and I’m momentarily comforted by the fact that I’m not the only one who has lost their shit over a woman today.

Standing back with his hands raised, Grey attempts to calm his friend. “I circled the perimeter. When I came back, the Jeep was gone. Dust was kicking up down the road about a mile out. The security cameras just came back online. She can’t be more than ten minutes out. What do you want me to do?” Both Grey and Grizz are frozen, waiting for further orders.

“Nothing,” Logan starts. Then, looking at Grizz, he explains. “It’s just us, and we’re already down one with Hunter dead.” Grey startles at his words, and I realize this is his first time hearing the news. “It’s your call, Grizz. We can’t leave our team and the base vulnerable. The vehicle has GPS, and our first team is coming back on the chopper. They’ll be here in about forty-five minutes. Then you and Grey can pick up her trail.”