Page 33 of Code Name: Phoenix

I won’t live through another interrogation.

Technically, I didn’t live through the last one.

As sound and light seep from the room, memories of a belt and chains move to the forefront. A cold, wet floor in a dark room, my own eyes burning raw with tears until I had no more left to cry, an unbearable pain, and my throat sore from begging. Then a sneer dripping in pure evil decimates my clarity, and I only have one option left.

This time, I need to fight.



When Logan threatens to tie Jessa to the table, the color drains from her face.

I lean closer to the two-way glass as a tear runs down her cheek.

A tense silence fills the interrogation room. Hunter and Grizz are frozen in their spots, watching Logan.

And Logan is watching Jessa.

If I can see her change in body language from here, Logan is definitely tuned in to her. He stands motionless, with his back to me and across the room from her, waiting for her to respond to his threat.

Taking a deep breath, she calmly moves her hands to the table. Then, as if in slow motion, she slides her chair back.

Something isn’t right.

She doesn’t seem aware of her surroundings any longer.

With her eyes on Logan, she slowly stands up. I remain frozen in place, wondering what on earth she thinks she’s doing.

Stepping carefully to the side of the metal chair, she raises a shaky hand and places it on the back of the seat she just occupied.

Logan nods to Hunter as he moves forward to sit her back down so he can continue. But as Hunter peels himself casually off the wall and takes a step toward her, all hell breaks loose.

In a flash of a second, Jessa lifts the chair and hurls it in Hunter’s direction, catching him off guard and hitting him square in the head. He falls back toward the wall with a grunt.

In reaction, Grizz and Logan lurch toward Jessa.

Grizz is closer.

She’s too small to win any fair fight with the guy, and she knows it.

Spinning quickly, she crouches and puts all of her weight behind her punch, hitting Grizz square in the groin, and he buckles.

Jessa isn’t holding anything back. She truly believes she’s fighting for her life. Her face is void of any expression, and Logan is too consumed to notice how caged she is as he continues to move in on her.

She spins back around, and her fist flails at anything, hoping to connect. Her prayers are answered as she hits Logan square in the jaw.

His head snaps to the side, and he takes a step back, raising his hand to the spot where she hit him.

I take a half step to the door, but then I stop. I want to diffuse the situation, but my presence won’t help anyone. She deceived us, and my heart isn’t in the right place. Now she’s chosen to fight, and she needs to learn that her actions carry consequences.

Jessa quickly scans the room. I wonder where she learned her moves. She’s not trained in anything in particular, but she is holding her own, though I know it won’t be long before the situation is back under control, and Logan is going to make her pay for her outburst.

As my team fights to regain their composure, Jessa reaches out as she lunges for Logan’s belt. Before he can grab her hands, she flips the heavy metal clasp, and, lifting her foot to his stomach, she kicks him back as she pulls it out of the loops. Stepping back from the three men in the room, she folds the belt and holds it up as a weapon, with the buckle ready to maim.

“Now, now, Jay. We’re just talking.” Logan raises his hands to show he’s unarmed, and he stays still as Grizz and Hunter flank the sides of the room in an attempt to cage her in.

“STAY WHERE YOU ARE. DON’T MOVE. JUST STOP.” Her voice is raised to a high pitch, and both men freeze.