Page 16 of Code Name: Phoenix

His incredulous laugh doesn’t let me finish. “You never got over her, Jack. You thought she was dead, but you never got over her. You never stopped talking about her. You mentally compared every woman you’ve met in the last decade to that feisty little number, and I can see why. She is hot. And that attitude? Jesus, I’d never stop fucking that tight little—”

Now it’s my turn to shut the conversation down. “One more word, and I’ll rip out your throat.” I glare into his eyes in warning. My heart rate picks up, and my face grows hot.

“No need. You made my point for me. Your head isn’t where it needs to be. I’m taking the lead on this, Jack.” Logan slips back into casual business mode. I hate how he can turn himself on and off. I hate myself even more for falling for it.

Logan is a master at pushing buttons and getting into people’s heads. This was a test, one I failed miserably. In this moment, I envy his emotional restraint.

I know he’s right though. He should take the lead on this. My mind and my heart are elsewhere, and until I can sort them out, I am no use to anyone.

“I agree, on one condition.” I acquiesce, and Logan’s eyes assess my every movement as I finish my thought, “I get access to her. I can question her as well, and I am there whenever you talk to her, either in the room or watching from behind the glass.”

Logan sits back and takes a deep breath as he considers everything I’ve asked for.

“I take the lead. You may be there when I question her, but you do not stop the process or come to her defense in any way. If you do, you know it’s protocol to treat you as a hostile.” Then, pausing, he takes a deep, frustrated breath. “You’ve seen me interrogate, Jack. You may want to sit this one out.”

I return my gaze to the van in front of us.

Logan puts in a new earpiece and turns his attention away from me. I have no doubt he’s asked one of the guys in the van to wire him into any conversations the girls are having, and I’ve been excluded from this part of his plan.

It’s going to be a long, quiet drive.



Once I was secured in the van, with Dana seated across from me, the drive felt like it was close to five hours, and I have no idea where we are now.

Judging by the turns, I think we went east after we left the farmhouse, but I can’t be sure. With all of the subtle curves in the road, we could be anywhere.

The severity of our situation sank in quickly after the van doors closed. Dana sat quietly for most of the trip, looking down at her feet before she closed her eyes and dozed off for a bit.

I took the time to process everything. In a nutshell, our freedom is gone, at least for the time being, and I don’t have my phone anymore, so I can’t access Zane.

I don’t know who these guys work for, but clearly Jack isn’t who I thought he was. I thought he was my friend, the first boyfriend I ever had.

I never saw him again after the night my parents died. I began searching for him once I knew I was far away from everyone and everything that happened, but he and his dad were gone. There were no police reports or traces of their whereabouts; they both just vanished.

Everything about Maxwell and his dad came to light after they skipped town. All of their shady business. My dad couldn’t have known he was working for a crime boss, I’m sure of it, but it doesn’t matter anyway.

Travis and I grew up with Maxwell. Uncovering the layers of lies Mr. Sparr’s family had told was surreal, and I remained in denial over Max’s involvement for a few years after I left town. I was so wrong about him.

Was I wrong about Jack too?

His being here is a positive sign. Jack wouldn’t work with Maxwell. He even said as much when we were standing in the field behind the farmhouse.

But what is his team’s objective?

It’s been ten years. I don’t even know what side of the law these guys are on, nor who they’re working for.

“Hey.” Dana’s whisper brings me back to the jerking motion of the van as it pulls off onto a bumpier road. Pressure builds in my ears, and I yawn to break the compression. We’ve slowly been climbing in altitude.

“Hey.” I flash a weary smile, hoping to mask my uncertainty.

“So—rough day, huh?” she deadpans, then pauses to gauge my reaction. A genuine smile creeps across my face.

There’s my Dana. She’s feeling better. As long as we’re still together, we’re okay.

“Quiet back there.” The guy in the front seat attempts to claw back some of the respect he left behind on the field when I clocked him.