Page 103 of Love After Never

Weird, though, not to have each breath tainted by smog and hot garbage no matter the time of year. Weird to have people who pass me on the street smile and nod their heads in greeting, believing I’m not a threat. There’s no more looking over my shoulder or checking every dark alley to make sure no one jumps out at me.

A smaller town—a smaller city, if you can call it that. There are less monsters roaming freely at night and it’s no longer up to me to stop them. At least, there are less of them out in the open and known.

For once…it’s okay.

The apartment complex is on the newer side, steel and glass with young trees lining the walk from the parking lot. It’s mostly full of couples and young families. The place even has a doorman on rotation to make sure that anyone who comes through the lobby is a resident or an invited guest.

No surprises.

I flash a smile at Lars, the doorman on duty as I enter.

“How was your day, Miss Stone?” he asks.

“Another day in paradise,” I reply with a trill.

He chuckles at that, because my weirdly chipper tone isn’t weird to him. It’s just how “Ashley Stone” operates.

I use my keycard for access to the elevator and press the button for the fifth floor. High enough I don’t have to worry about anyone climbing up to the terrace and breaking in. Not to mention a pretty nice view of a community garden.

Never in my life would I have imagined living in a place like this.

Now? It’s routine. It’s normal.I’mnormal.

Appearances can be so damn deceiving.

I walk into my apartment and palm my keys, no need to check the place. At least, there’s never been a need before. Except today there’s a small card on the edge of my kitchen island countertop. A card that wasn’t there when I left for the gym.

Instinct has me bending at the waist and reaching for the gun I keep strapped to my ankle. Concealed but accessible at all times. I pull it out and cock it, safety off. The same instinct has me pushing aside my worry and stalking through the apartment looking for the break-in. The point of entry. Places where a thief might hide.

“Are you serious right now?”

Those dark tones are less a bullet and more a caress despite the fact that the man they belong to should not be here. I drop my arm to my side.

Gabriel is leaning against my couch in the living room. His arms are crossed over his chest as he stares at me, eyes lit with mirth.


How is he here?

I’m barely able to hang on to the gun with my numb fingers.

“It’s an anniversary card,” he explains. “One whole year of being someone else. How does it feel?”

“I never took you for the sentimental type.” I force myself to lift the gun again and aim it at his forehead. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t kill you?”

I want to mean it, but seeing him here in person, someone who risked everything to give me this freedom…how can I hate him? Despite what he is?

Gabriel shrugs. “You tell me.”

“Why are you here?”

He slowly unfolds himself and straightens to his full towering height. “It’s a long story. But I’ve got my own identity crisis, it seems. Need to be someone else.” His look is loaded. “And you need to be someone else again. Ashley Stone has to die.”

My stomach drops. “Why?”

I finally have a routine here. It’s boring and monotonous but it’s safe and it’s mine. And that’s what I want.

It’s what I want.