“You do?”
“Of course I do. Happy?” She scowls.
I tackle her in a hug, my weight pushing her down onto the bench. “Yeah, babe. I’m so fuckin’ happy.”
Laughing, she shoves at me until I sit up, taking her with me as I straighten. Then without any thought, I’m gripping the back of her neck, and my lips are on hers. I freeze, wondering if I’ve gone too fast or should back off, but that worry eases when her silky lips move against mine. Charged static spreads through my body as our tongues slip and slide together, completely forgetting where we are.
She cups my cheeks, holding me so close that our noses are mashed together, and I feel her deep exhales. I didn’t think anything could top our first kiss, but this one does. There’s no hesitation coming off her like last time, and I’m not scared she’ll bolt at any minute. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I’m choosing to believe there’s a reason she’s allowing this to happen. Maybe she wants this as much as I do.
We’re interrupted when glasses clank onto the table. Pulling away, I hold her gaze for as long as I can. Her flushed cheeks and secret smile nearly bring me to my knees.
I thought Cy was so attached to Charlotte because he’s pussy whipped, but I think I get it now. I haven’t even fucked Navy yet, and I’m ready to give up every other woman in the world just to know she’s mine. The visceral pull I feel to her cannot be ignored or shut down. I want nothing more than for her to belong to me.
When we can’t ignore that our waitress is standing at the table, I shift my attention to her.
“You love birds ready to order?” Kimmy asks, smiling. She’s normally on lunch shift when Navy and I are here, so she’s witnessed the progression of our relationship.
“I’ll have a prime rib burger and fries,” I say.
“That’s original,” Kimmy jokes. “And you, hun?”
“The New York steak sandwich is next on the list.” Navy closes the menu, still determined to try every item.
“I’ll get your orders in right now.”
Once Kimmy is out of earshot, I turn to Navy. “That was unexpected.”
“Yeah, it was.” She touches her lips, almost as if she doesn’t believe what just happened.
Believe it, babe. If I have my way, it’ll happen every day until the Reaper takes my soul.
“You said you wanted to talk to me about something?”
“I did, and now that I know how you feel, it’ll be easier.” She shifts in her seat. “I had a really good therapy session today where we discussed how I’ll move on from here.”
“Move on?” I ask, hoping this isn’t going to lead to more talk about her leaving because that isn’t fucking happening. Not after she told me she loved me, and definitely not after that kiss.
“I don’t want what happened to define me inanyway.”
“I agree. You are so much more than your fuckin’ trauma.”
“I’m glad you feel that way because I think we should have sex.”
Thank fuck I wasn’t taking a drink of my water when she said that because I would’ve sprayed it all over her. Of all the things I thought she’d say, that was last on the fucking list.
A million thoughts run through my mind, but one specific one forces its way to the front of the line. “Are you ready for that?”
“Honestly, I don’t know, but I want to work toward it.”
“Work toward it,” I say slowly.
“Yeah. Danielle suggested we go on a date.”
“A date,” I deadpan. I’ve never been on a date, not even in high school. I had no interest in getting to know girls. I wanted in their pants and figured out how to make that happen without taking them on fucking dates.
But this is Navy, and I like spending time with her. I spend every second I can with her; taking her out on the town might actually be fun.
She takes my silence for unwillingness. “I mean, if you want. She thinks we should take things slow.”