“Why wouldn’t they be, Mary?” I snark.
“You just paraded Navy through here looking like she got beat the hell up. Is there a threat I don’t know about?”
“What’s going on with Navy doesn’t concern you or the Honey Pot.”
Mary’s stern expression loosens into one of concern. I realize she didn’t come here to bitch me out because she’s worried about the girls’ safety. She came because she’s worried about Navy. My girl has charmed everyone in this place.
“Is she okay?” she asks quietly.
I suck in my lower lip to stop it from trembling. Now that I’m just standing here, my thoughts run crazy, and I realize the situation I’m in. If Ray did what Monroe said, I don’t know what to do. Everything in me screams to kill the bastard, but I can’t. I gave my life to the club the day I patched in. I vowed to put it before everything, including my own life. On my honor, I can’t go against that.
I also can’t let Ray walk the same Earth as Navy.
“Oh, honey.” Mary opens her arms, and I fall into them. “It’ll be okay. Whatever it is. I swear on it. That girl in there is tough as nails. There ain’t nothing that’ll knock her down.”
“How do I help her through this?” My voice comes out all shaky.
“You already are, sweetheart. Just keep taking care of her, even if she fights it. Okay?”
“Okay,” I say, pulling away and gathering my wits. This is the only moment of weakness I’ll allow myself. Navy needs me to be strong. It’s the least I can do.
Mary straightens her suit coat, uncomfortable with the out-of-character show of affection and support. “I’ll do one final walkthrough to make sure everything is as it should be. You let me know if that girl in there needs anything. And I meananything.”
“Will do. Thanks, Mary.”
I pace the hall, occasionally listening at the door for any cries of pain or signs that Navy needs me, but it’s dead silent. I curse my insistence on making each room completely soundproof. It was smart for business, stupid for this situation.
My phone reads fifteen past ten before the door finally opens, and Monroe steps out, shutting it behind her.
“She okay?” I ask.
“She will be. She needs a shower and to be put to bed.” She holds up her prescription pad. “Do you have someone who can run to the pharmacy?”
“Yeah,” I say, already shooting a text to Tigger. “She need some pain pills or something?”
“You’ll have to talk to her about that. What was said and done in that room is confidential.”
I thought I’d locked away all my emotions, but more seeps out. “I need to know what I’m walking into here. Please, tell me.”
Monroe rests her hands on my folded arms. “My advice is to just be there for her. Don’t be a pushy asshole and press her for details she’s not ready to talk about. Let her come to you.”
I sigh heavily. “I don’t know how to do that. I’m used to getting what I want.”
“Don’t I know it,” she says with a huff. “You love her?”
I shouldn’t, but whatever innocent love I had for my little stepsister carried on through my life. When we were reunited, that love morphed into something different, something bone deep and essential to my existence.
“I do,” I admit.
“Then you’ll have to tamp down your own wants and needs to put hers first.” She pats my shoulder and walks away.
Steeling myself, I knock on the door and wait for her to grant me access. Sitting on the edge of the table with her hands clamped on either side, I notice her face has been cleaned up, and a butterfly bandage has been applied to her upper cheek.
“Hey,” I say dumbly.
“You ready to go back to your room?” I’m a fucking idiot to not have brought her clothes since she’s dressed in only sleep shorts and a tiny tank.