Page 72 of Rigger's Mistake

With no other option, I used the only thing I had. “Colin will kill you for this.”

Ray laughs so long and hard I worry something broke inside his head. “Shit, Vivi. You can’t say funny shit like that when I’m tryin’ to get it up. You almost killed my boner.” He dips down and licks up the side of my face. His breath is toxic, and his tongue is dry. The two mixed have me dry heaving.

“It’s not funny. He won’t let you get away with this.”

He rests his crusty lips against the shell of my ear, his nose flattening into my head. “I’m untouchable. Those men you see me leave with? I’m working for them now, and they’re the reason there’s a Honey Pot Ranch at all. It was their money that funded the whole thing. So, if you think for one second that the club would cause that kind of rift between them and their cash cow, you’re dumber than I thought. You’re not special. To anyone.”

He clamps my hands with one of his and skims under my sleep shirt to my breast with the other. His rough hands fondle me and pinch my nipple, twisting it until I cry out in pain.

“My little whore likes it when I make her hurt.” He shifts to my side, clamping my right leg down with his own. His hand leaves my breast and skims down my body, snaking under my sleep shorts and shoving his way between my thighs. He chuckles. “Dry as fuck. No wonder the Sons kicked you out, you frigid bitch.”

Ray retracts his hand and moves off me. For a second, I think he’s going to leave, that despite his bravado, he took my threat seriously. I was wrong. He rears back and punches me in the stomach. My body recoils, curling into a ball.

“Get on your stomach. If I have to look at your ugly face, I’ll never get off.”

All the fight leaves me, and I’m back to the person I used to be, allowing my own rape because at least then he won’t kill me. He won’t make me hurt anymore. Like a light switch being turned off, I roll onto my stomach and go somewhere else in my mind, somewhere far, far away from this ugly doublewide full of so much evil, even the soil grows nothing but weeds.

When I get back, I need to validate timecards, enter payroll, and call the pool guy. That second filter isn’t working, and we don’t want anyone to get a rash from untreated water.

“You like this, don’t you, you dirty slut?”

I also need to make sure housekeeping knows that Dieanna’s tour is ending on Monday, and her room will have to be stripped and cleaned for the new girl. What was her name?

“Why would you want all those amateurs when you have Daddy here to make you feel good?”

Jordyn. That’s her name. She looks gorgeous in her pictures with all those tattoos and piercings. I’ll bet the guests are going to go crazy over her. Her nipples are even pierced. I wonder how bad that hurts to get done. Maybe I should get mine done. If I had to be blessed with small tits, I could at least decorate them.

“Fuck,” Ray shouts, and I feel the telltale rush of warmth coating my insides.

I’ll have to ask the physician’s assistant the Honey Pot employs for another STI screening. It’s one of the first things I did when I moved in. Waiting for those results was terrifying. While I didn’t think anyone else would be dumb enough to sleep with Ray, I couldn’t rule out that I was the only one he was raping without protection. I was so relieved when the test came back negative, and now, I have to do it all over again.

At least I don’t have to worry about pregnancy. The morning after the first time Ray snuck in my room, I made Mom take me to the free clinic for birth control. She didn’t argue, which leads me to believe she knew what was happening from the very beginning.

He shoves my head into the pillow as he pulls out. “Underwhelming, as always. And unless you want more when I get up, you better get your scrawny ass out of my house. You hear me?”

I nod, not trusting my voice. He must feel it under his palm because he releases me and leaves.

I cried the first time Ray raped me. After that, I locked my emotions up tight and haven’t let them back out. It wasn’t until I was reunited with Colin and spent time with all the amazing women at the Honey Pot that I allowed them to peek through. And as I lie in the dark, curled up on my side, my stepdad’s cum leaking out of my abused body, I blame them all for the tears pouring down my face.

No matter what I said to Colin, I was letting my guard down. I was entertaining thoughts of staying. Things at the Honey Pot were going so well, and I was doing such a good job. The girls relied on me, and even Mary was impressed by how much I could get done in a shift.

Now I know there’s no other choice but to run. If Ray’s right and he’s untouchable, then I’ll never be safe. If there was a chance I might change my mind before, it’s gone now. Mom can come with me or stay here and let Ray kill her. I don’t care anymore. I’m tired of trying to save everyone else. It’s time to save myself.

I should heed Ray’s warning and leave, but when I try to get up, my head spins, and bile creeps up my throat. I just need an hour to rest. Ray’s no doubt snoring in bed by now and won’t be up for hours. I’ll be safe for a little longer. Feeling around for the discarded blanket, I find it and pull it over my bruised body.

An hour is all I need.

* * *

I startle awake for a second time, but this time, it’s because of banging on the front door. It’s light out now, and the realization of last night floods back to me as I struggle to sit up. Looking down, I find a massive bruise covering my side, and I’m having a hard time opening my right eye. I reach up to touch my face and wince. I don’t have to look in a mirror to know my eye is cut, swollen, and bruised.

Standing up slowly, the rest comes back as my thighs come unstuck from each other. Reaching between my legs, I feel the dry and crusty cum. Fucking disgusting.

The banging starts again as I look around for my sleep shorts, finding them in the sheets. I’m pulling them on when I hear a loud crash, and a voice I recognize calls my name.

Colin? He came for me?

I can’t let him see me like this. Instinctually, I know he’ll kill Ray no matter what kind of deal the Sons have worked out. What then? Would they kick him out of the club? He’s said on more than one occasion that his brothers are everything to him. He wouldn’t survive if he was stripped of his patch.