Page 70 of Rigger's Mistake

“That doesn’t mean I don’t deserve some respect.”

“Respect is something that’s earned around here, and you’re not earnin’ it because an abusive asshole is doing God knows what to Navy right now. I’m trying to get to her, and you’re worried about a goddamn mattress? Does that sound like someone who deserves my fuckin’ respect?” I shout into her face, drawing attention from the girls watching this spectacle.

These are all things I’ll worry about later, but not right now when I have no idea where the only woman I’ve ever cared about is.

“She’s in trouble?” Her shoulders sag, all indignation gone.

“Yes.” I throw my arms out to my sides. “And I don’t like repeating myself, but you’re in my way.”

She steps to the side. “Go find her. I’ll deal with shit here.”

“Fuckin’ hell. That’s all I’m asking for, Mary.”

I continue my search, finding Lucky in Fiona’s room. They’re facing each other, having a quiet but serious talk, not bothered at all by the shouting in the hallway. It’s too intimate for the kind of relationship they should have, but there’s no time for questions right now.

“Lucky,” I call.

They take several steps away from each other, looking guilty as fuck. I don’t know what he’s up to, but it’s not good and will have to stop.

“You find her?” he asks.

“No. I think she’s at Ray’s. Let’s ride.”

“Okay.” He gives Fiona one last glance before following me outside, where Cy, Golden, and Dutch are climbing off their bikes. Fuck. I don’t have time for this shit.

“Heard you had some visitors.” Cy tugs on the end of his beard, getting it fixed back into place after the ride over.

“Yeah, was gonna call, but things got crazy.”

“Everything okay now?”

“As okay as it can be. Spoke to Melville, and he assured me he was gonna put his bitch-ass nephew in place.”


“We thought you might need some help getting things back in order,” Dutch says.

“It’s a mess in there. We could use all the help we can get. Mary wants the place back open by ten.” I don’t have time for small talk, but I also don’t want to be questioned about where I’m going, so I swallow down my anxiety and try to be as calm as possible. No such luck.

“If they’re hurting for hands, where are you off to?” Cy asks.

“Navy’s missing. Not sure where she is, so I’m taking a ride to see if I can find her.”

“That more important than the Honey Pot?” One graying, bushy eyebrow lifts. The perceptive asshole. I can’t lie to my prez. Not only could that get me kicked out of the club, but it would be a major disrespect, and Cy deserves better.

“I think she’s in trouble. She’s not answering her phone.”

“Where do you think she is?”

I gulp. “Ray’s.”

He steps closer, shaking his head. “Now, son, we talked about this.”

“You said I couldn’t kill him. That doesn’t give him the right to mistreat Navy.”

“What do you mean ‘mistreat’?”

“He’s been doing the same shit to her and her mom that he did to me. I think she left here last night to go check on her mom, and if I know Ray—”