She laughs, that beautiful, tinkling laugh I’m beginning to love. “How very criminal of you.”
“We try.” I cup the back of her neck and give her a playful shake. “Come on.”
“Bones, this is Navy. She’s helping Mary out at the Honey Pot,” Colin says.
I’ve already met a lot of the Sons because they all take security shifts at the brothel, but there are a few I haven’t yet, including the white Jesus-looking dude standing in front of me. He has long brown hair and a beard and is just as good-looking as all the other Sons I’ve met. Even Cy, who must be in his sixties, gives off big-time daddy vibes.
Bones brings me in for a hug and whispers, “You have good energy, little lady.”
“Um, thank you.”
He touches my forehead with his palm. “Bright pink.” His hand moves to my heart, and his brow furrows. “But there’s something else there. What’s what about?”
“Okay.” Colin separates us. “That’s enough aura reading.”
“You’re white today, Rig. Feeling a little nervous?”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m not fuckin’ nervous. You’re just high.”
Bones smiles big and broad, showing off front teeth that just barely overlap. It only adds to his unique appeal. I decide I like him and wouldn’t mind getting to know him better.
“Well, that’s a given.” He pulls out a vape and takes a puff, the skunky smell of weed filling the air.
“Come on.” Colin takes my hand and pulls me away. “Bones runs our weed shops and is always high. Don’t listen to him.”
“He seems like a good guy.”
He nods. “They’re all good guys. Some are just less annoying than others.”
“You know, you should try yoga or something. You’re too high-strung.”
He glares at me as we stop in front of another Sons member. This one nearly takes my breath away with how attractive he is. His hair is styled short on the sides and longer on top, swooping to the side. He has a shadow of a beard that enhances his sharp jawline, looks fit but not overly muscular, and has kind blue eyes. My eyes travel lower and stop on the white tab on his collar, peeking out underneath his leather cut.
Is he some kind of priest? That doesn’t seem right for a motorcycle club.
“Judge, this is Navy,” Colin says.
“That’s a pretty name. Never heard it before.”
“Thank you.” I can’t stop the blush from creeping across my cheeks at the compliment.
“How do you two know each other?” He eyes Colin.
“She works at the Honey Pot.”
“I do administrative stuff and help with the courtesans. That kind of thing,” I say.
“Okay. Haven’t had a chance to get over there yet, but I’ve heard good things.” Judge smiles, and I nearly melt. Why are all the men in this club so damn sexy?
“I wouldn’t imagine it’s your scene.” I gesture to his collar.
“Oh, right.” Judge’s smile falls as he touches his neck, instantly making me regret my words.
“Anyway, we’re gonna go find a drink.” Colin takes my hand.