Page 45 of Rigger's Mistake

I try to read the room, but it’s impossible. While the two men have a threatening air about them, I don’t feel danger to myself or Cy. All three men are relaxed in their chairs, each enjoying one of Cy’s fat cigars he imports from Cuba. The smoke makes my nose itch and my eyes water. I must’ve forgotten to take my allergy pills this morning.

“What’s going on?” I do as Cy says, closing the door and sitting down, a little irritated that the younger man is in my spot to Cy’s right. There’s a lot of symbolism in club life, including where we sit in this room or our placement when we ride out. I’m always to Cy’s right or directly behind him. Fucking always.

“This is Leo Costa and his father, Robert. They own three of the casinos downtown.”

I’ve heard of the Costa family. Everyone in Reno has, but the public sees them as philanthropists, using the fortune they’ve amassed to do a lot of good around Reno. When you deal in the dark, you get the real scoop on people. I know who these men actually are: loan sharks, thieves, and killers.

I scratch my temple. “Yeah, I’ve heard the name once or twice.”

Leo remains flat-lipped, but Robert chuckles, reaching over the table to ash his cigar into the glass ashtray.

“So our reputation proceeds us,” he says.

“As does ours, I’m sure,” I return.

Cy pins me with a look. “Calm down, son. This is a meeting between friends.”

“I could relax if you’d tell me why I’m here.”

“We have a mutual acquaintance,” Leo says. “Ray Brown?”

Fuuuuuuck. Everything clicks into place. The men Ray disappears with? Most likely part of the Costa family. This complicates things.

“Why would you have anything to do with that piece of shit?” I ask.

“I won’t argue with you about his character. Ray has been more hinder than help. Through the years, his luck at the tables has kept him out of trouble, but he’s had a losing streak recently, and his luck seems to have run out. He has a number of markers come due and no way to pay. Naturally, we cut him off, but he still owes,” Robert says.

“How much?”

“Around a mil.” Robert gestures with his cigar. “We thought about handling him how we usually handle transgressions against us, but that wouldn’t put that money back in our accounts. So now he’s doing some of the dirtier work that would tarnish our family name if it got out. You get what I’m saying.”

Yeah, I do. Ray kills people who get in the Costa’s way. That way, if law enforcement catches on, they’ll have a scapegoat. Ray.

“What does that have to do with me?”

“Ray said you’ve made some threats against him.”

“You’re not the only one he fucked over. Why should you get payback and not me?” I ask because there’s no hierarchy among criminals here, and the Sons don’t bow down to anyone.

“Because Ray isn’t the only one in debt to us.” Robert glances over at Cy, whose jaw is ticking.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“He doesn’t know?” Leo, who has been stoic this whole time, perks up.

“Look, Rig,” Cy starts. “The point is, until Ray has paid his debt, you’re not to touch him. That’s an order.”

“Yeah,Rig. Stand down.” Leo smirks.

I jump to my feet, eating the distance between us. Leo casually stands, tucking his hand in his suit jacket where I’m sure there’s a gun. Well, guess what motherfucker? I have one too. Pulling my Glock from where I keep it tucked in the back of my pants, I hold it at my side, ready to blow this condescending prick’s brains out.

“Rigger,” Cy barks, putting himself between us. “That enough.”

Leo crowds Cy’s back while I press myself against his front. We glare daggers at each other, neither willing to back down.

“I can see we’ve struck a nerve,” Robert says, rising to his feet and buttoning his black suit coat. “Cy, I trust you can keep your boys under control?”

Cy shoves me in the chest before drilling his fat finger into my shoulder. “Back off, son. We’ll talk about this later.”