“I get that. I think everyone around here knows what you boys get into,” she says. “But he scares me.”
“If you’re staying here, you’ve got protection. We won’t let anything happen to you, but it comes with a price.”
“What’s new? Everything a man does for me comes with a price.”
I shake my head, saddened that she really believes that. “Not the price you’re talking about.”
“Then what?” She finally looks at me, and I get the full picture of what she’s become. She looks older than her age and skinnier than Vivi, which says something. Her cheeks are sunken, and her skin looks paper thin. She’s also got a fresh bruise on her cheek.
“You didn’t do the right thing fifteen years ago, but you’re gonna do it now. I’m giving Vivi an opportunity, and you’re not gonna fuck that up for her. You’ll take whatever job we give you, and you’ll do it with a fuckin’ smile. If you have an issue, you bring it to me and leave Vivi out of it.”
Finally, her eyes meet mine. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because she’s family.”
“You only knew her for two years.” She scoffs. I have no rebuttal, so I remain quiet until she says, “You and I aren’t all that different, you know.”
“What are you yappin’ about?”
“We both failed her.” She steps out of the car and walks to the back. I watch as she unloads a few more sacks of shit and follow as she moves to the driver’s side and gets in. “And now we’re both doing what we should’ve done a long time ago to make things right.”
“You’re going back?”
She nods. “Tell her I’ll be okay.”
“You don’t have to do this. I’ll take care of Ray.”By putting him six feet under. Obviously, I don’t tell her that.
“You just focus on making her happy. No one deserves it more than her.” She slams the door shut and starts the engine but rolls down the window before pulling away. “Promise me that if she ever tells you her truth, you’ll make it quick for me. I don’t deserve it, but I’d be dumb not to ask.”
What the fuck is she talking about? Unease fills my soul. I know Vivi’s not telling me things, but I thought I’d put enough of the pieces together to have a clear picture. Now I’m thinking I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.
I nod and watch as she drives away.
Today hasn’t gone as planned, but I still have time to get it back on track, so I pick up the rest of Vivi’s bags and head inside to knock on her door.
“Come in,” she calls out, not realizing I can’t get in. Well, that’s not exactly true. I have a master card that’ll unlock any room in this place, but it’s only for emergencies, and I want her to believe she’s safe. I knock again and smile when I hear, “Shit. I forgot. Hold on.”
“Hey,” I say when the door opens. “You didn’t really get a tour like everyone else at the meet and greet. You want one now?”
“Sure.” She glances down her body. “Should I change?”
She has on a brown cropped fleece crewneck and matching shorts. It’s still early, so there probably aren’t many guests walking around, but at least three of my brothers are here running security, and I know they’ll find her casual fit sexy as fuck.
“Maybe something with a little more coverage?” I suggest.
“More coverage?” she asks slowly. “I’m wearing sweats, and this is a brothel. I’m more covered than probably every other girl in this place.”
I shrug. “But you’re my sister.”
“You’re saying that like I’m still eight years old.” She gives me a playful shove that makes me think we’ll be okay. “I meant, should I be dressed up or something?”
“No. You’re fine.”
“Good. Let me grab my keycard. You can leave those bags wherever.”
I set the heavy yard bags inside, still fucking pissed off that all her possessions fit into half a dozen bags. I’ve been around enough girls her age to know they like having shit, and a lot of it. I make a mental note to have one of the girls find out what she needs since I know she won’t tell me.
“Okay, let’s go.” She smiles like this is the happiest she’s ever been. Like she’s free. And fuck if it doesn’t look good on her.