Page 28 of Rigger's Mistake

Doesn’t take a genius to know what she means. It wasn’t longer than a month before Ray’s abuse extended to his new bride. At first, she fought back, but Ray did what he always did, making her feel like she’d be nowhere without him. The light slowly died from Laura’s eyes until she became a zombie. She was there but notreallythere.

I can’t imagine anything changed after I left.

Because I was so pissed that she brought her daughter into this situation, I didn’t include securing her safety in my deal with Ray. My guess would be it’s hard for Vivi to be a bystander to her mom’s mistreatment.

“You can leave to check on her whenever you want.” I don’t tell her that if she does, me or one of my brothers will be going with her. We’ll get to that part after I lock her in.

She stares at the wood floors while she thinks, chewing on the inside of her mouth and twirling a piece of her hair. I smile, remembering the same tells from when she was a little girl. I fucking missed her, and this might not be the best of circumstances, but I’m fucking glad she’s back in my life.

“Okay,” she finally says, and for the first time since I saw her at the Honey Pot, the weight on my chest lifts.


She stands. “Yes, but you better not break your promise because I’m telling you right now, Iwilltake you up on your offer to be a courtesan.”

“Yeah, okay.” I feel so relieved that I wrap her in a hug, lifting her off her feet. Instinctually, her hands grip the back of my neck, and I bask in the feeling of her in my arms, breathing in her floral scent.

Then I notice other things, like the way her breasts are pressed against my chest and the slight bite of pain from her long nails pressing into my flesh. My cock thickens, and I quickly set her on her feet.

“Good. This is good,” I say.

If she noticed the bulge I’m sporting, she doesn’t show it. Which is good because nothing makes me feel more perverted than getting a hard-on for my stepsister.

“I should go.” She moves past me, stopping with her hand on the doorknob. “When do I start?”


She shakes her head. “That’s so soon. I don’t know if I can sort everything out.”

“What do you need to do? I can help.”

She thinks about it, but something tells me she’s trying to find an excuse, not how I can help. “No, I’m good. I’ll take care of it myself.”

“I’ll meet you at the Honey Pot at seven tomorrow night?” I ask.

“Okay.” She opens the door. “Thank you, Colin.”

“Anything for you, Vivi, and I fuckin’ mean that.”

She nods and walks out. Normally, I’d walk her to her car, but I think she needs as much time as possible to get things right in her head before tomorrow. The pathway to the parking lot is lit, and no one will bother her after they saw her with me in the clubhouse. Still, I open an app on my phone and track her location. When I put my number into her phone, I enabled her location services for this very reason.

It’s a dick move, but if she’s not going to be open with me about her life, I need to make sure she’s safe. At least that’s what I tell myself.

* * *

“You’re joking, right?” Mary stares me down in disbelief.

“I did this for you.” More lies, but who the fuck is counting anymore?

“I didn’t ask for help.” She sorts through a stack of mail on her desk while I keep a safe distance in the office doorway. Mary might be old, but she scares the shit out of me.

“What if you get sick or injured? We need a backup.”

“I don’t get sick, and I’m unusually spry for my age.” She folds her arms and rests them on her desk. “What’s this really about? I heard that girl is your stepsister. That true?”

“She is, but that has nothing to do with it.”

She scoffs. “So what? You can’t stand the thought of your precious sister doing the nasty with paying clients?”