Page 22 of Rigger's Mistake

“I left all that shit behind. I hadn’t even talked to her since I left. Then she shows up here expecting to work.”

“Damn.” He takes a swig of her beer. “What are you gonna do?”

“I don’t fucking know. She says if I don’t let her work here, she’s gonna go down the road and work at one of our competitors.”

“So? Let her. Then you won’t be profiting off your sister getting her back blown out.”

“Seriously?” I set my whiskey down, my stomach suddenly sour. And not just because I can’t think about someone nailing my sister. Vivi and I may be strangers, but this deep-rooted desire to protect her hasn’t changed.

“Okay, then. What’s your hang-up? Because from everything I’ve seen, she’d be a good earner. She’s got that whole ‘doe-eyed innocent’ thing going for her.”

“Watch it.” There’s a warning in my tone that he doesn’t miss.

He holds up his hands. “Just sayin’.”

I sigh. “I don’t want this life for her. I did some things to ensure she’d have better odds of making something of herself. I need to know what happened. But then, I’d need to revisit my past, which I don’t want to do.”

“You don’t want to?” he repeats dumbly. “For fuck’s sake, you sound like a whiny toddler.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Excuse me?”

“Put away your VP hat; there’s no rank in this conversation.” I scowl but say nothing as he continues. “Be a fucking man and deal with your demons. No one can hurt you anymore.” He motions around the lounge. “They don’t look like much right now, drooling all over tits and shit, but take away the girls, and your brothers are pretty good at backing you up.”

All the shit Ray put me through fucked me up, but I thought I’d made peace with it and moved on. But maybe I haven’t, and Mustang’s right. It’s time to handle Ray. After that’s settled, I’ll know what to do about Vivi.

I nod along. “Yeah, okay.”

“Good man.” Mustang claps me on the shoulder. “Now, let’s go get you laid. Maybe that’ll restore your manhood.”

I should punch him in the balls for saying shit like that, but I let it slide and join the party.

“There he is! Our lord and savior, Rigger!” Dutch shouts, holding his beer in the air. “Best idea ever.”

“Let’s see what you say tomorrow when the ‘hands off’ policy kicks in.”

“I don’t deal in tomorrows, brother. There’s only tonight.” He smirks and runs his hands down the thighs of the beautiful Black woman in his lap. “And tonight, this sexy woman is mine.”

She shifts to straddle him and weaves her fingers through his jet-black hair. “Let’s go find somewhere private, baby.”

He stands, taking her with him, fist-bumping me on his way out. “Tonight is fucking good.”

Mustang and I fill the newly vacated chairs as a bombshell blonde takes the stage and begins her dance. It’s slow and seductive as she teases the crowd. She has on a nude, lacy bra sheer enough to see her tightly budded nipples and matching panties showing the outline of her pussy.

I fucking love women.Love them. For some reason, though, this little striptease is doing nothing for me. All I can think about is how my pipsqueak stepsister turned into a beautiful woman. . . and how she wants to fuck strangers for money.



“Why aren’t you working? It’s been almost a week,” Ray barks as he pops the top of his first evening beer.

I exchange a look with Mom across the dining room table. We knew this was coming. I tried to stay out at night so he wouldn’t catch on, but it’s hard when you’re broke and only have one friend with a busy social life. I’ve texted Colin over and over, asking if he’s decided, only to be left on read. Ray noticing I haven’t been working is the last straw. I need to find work somewhere else.

I don’t want to work for any of the other brothels, but I’m out of options. I have too much invested to give up now, and I’ll be damned if Colin ruins my chance to get us out of this house.

Ray storms over and fists my hair, jerking me back hard enough so I’m forced to look at him. Even though he must get haircuts, his hair looks perpetually overgrown. His leathery skin is wrinkled and has an unnatural gray tone like the smoke from his cigarettes. His teeth are crooked and yellow, matching the foul odor of his breath.

“I ain’t runnin’ no charity, girl. You owe me rent and utilities.”