“He vouched for me way back when, but now he’s the president, and I’m the VP.”
I don’t know what else to say, so I say nothing. There have been so many times I imagined what it would be like to run into him. I even rehearsed all the nasty things I’d scream at him to make him realize what his leaving did to me, how it ruined my life. Now that it’s happened, though, I’m at a loss. It’s not because I don’t want to tell him those things. I just didn’t plan on our reunion happening while I was half-dressed at a brothel. It puts a wrench in things.
“How have you been?” he asks, sneaking a glance at me.
“Oh, you know. Fine.”
He snorts. “Explain fine.”
“I just got a job at a brothel. Does that clue you in at all?” I bite out.
He huffs. “That’s not happening anymore.”
Hearing him tell me what I’d already guessed reaffirms how dire my situation is. I quit the diner. I spent every last penny getting waxed, tanned, plucked, and primped. I put everything into being successful at this job. If he doesn’t let me continue, I have to start all over again. It’ll be years before I can leave.
No. Absolutely not. I won’t let him do this to me.
“You can’t do that.”
He snorts again like I’m an idiot. “Yes. I can. I’m part owner, so if I say you’re out, you’re out.”
“Ineedthis job, Colin.”
“Find another one, preferably where you’re keeping your clothes on.”
I squeeze my eyes shut as panic claws its way up my throat until I can’t swallow. Or breathe. I can’t even think. The feeling I get when Ray’s nasty, sweaty, smelly body is on top of me consumes my senses, and I can’t take it. I can’t. I won’t. I refuse. I was too close to getting out of there.
Everything about this job was perfect. Mary, the madam of the Honey Pot, said after the house takes its fifty percent cut, I could make upwards of two grand a night if I try hard enough. Courtesans are only allowed two-week tours each month, but still, that’s at least twenty-eight thousand dollars a month.
You have to live in-house during a tour, which would leave Mom unprotected, but it was a sacrifice I had to make. I also had to lie to Ray and say I got a job in pharmaceutical sales that took me out of town. All he heard was that I had a better job and would make more money.
I told him my pay was four grand a month, a huge step up from what I had been making. He demanded half like I knew he would, but that still left me with twenty-four thousand dollars a month. With that kind of money, I could leave Reno much sooner than planned.
I should’ve known my bad luck would catch up with me.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Colin shouts, jerking the steering wheel to the right and pulling off the highway.
I open my eyes slowly, only to find my vision has narrowed to pinpricks and my chest is heaving. I hadn’t realized I was hyperventilating or that my hands were clasped together so hard my new acrylic nails were digging into my skin, drawing blood.
“Vivi!” He undoes his seatbelt and reaches over the console, gripping me by the shoulders and turning me to face him. “Snap the hell out of it.”
I focus on him, tears springing from my eyes and the saliva in my mouth becoming thick, making it hard to speak.
“You c-can’t do this to m-me,” I stutter.
“Do what?” He shakes me with each word.
“I n-need this job.”
“The hell you do,” he snarls.
“You don’t understand.”
“Then explain it to me.”
My pinch together. “I can’t. Just please.”
“This is bullshit. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m gonna find out.” He pushes me back into the seat and throws the car into drive. Each movement is harsh and aggressive as he slams down on the gas pedal, and we take off down the road.