Page 108 of Rigger's Mistake

I kiss Sugar on the cheek. “Don’t work too hard. Get one of the girls in here to help you.”

“I would, but they seem more interested in spinning on that pole,” she scoffs, but we both know she doesn’t like anyone helping. She has her ways, and if it isn’t done precisely how she likes it, she gets all pissy.

Rejoining the party, Navy takes the lead, tugging me over to where Bones and Judge are gathered around a high-top table.

“Navy!” Bones greets her, bringing my girl in for a hug. “Good to see you again. Did you cleanse your aura?” He places his palm on Navy’s forehead. “You’re yellow.”

“What does yellow mean?” she asks.

“Balance and happiness.”

She smiles. “That’s good to hear, but you’d know if I cleansed my aura because you’d be the one helping me do that.”

Judge also greets her with a hug, and I step back to watch Navy interact with two elders of the club. They must’ve made an impression on her last time, and it fills me with a sense of pride that she gets along so well with my family. Someday, I’ll put a ring on her finger and make her part of it officially, not just through association.

Over the next hour, we’re tugged in all directions because, apparently, Navy has built relationships with everyone who works security over at the brothel. There’s an exchange of inside jokes and conversations about things that’ve happened at the Honey Pot that I know nothing about.

She fits into my life seamlessly, and I can’t help but think this is how my forever will look.



With a stolen piece of licorice in my mouth after one of the most fun nights I’ve had in a long time, I’m in the best mood and even a little buzzed from the three beers I had throughout the night. It’s only getting started because tonight isthenight. I can feel it.

“Which room are we using tonight?” I ask.

Rigger steals my Twizzler and takes a bite. “I wanted The Galaxy, but it was taken.”

“Hmm, I had no idea implanting an alien egg in my ass was your thing.”

“I’m kidding. Though I’m not completely turned off by the idea.”

He keeps me in suspense until we stop in front of a room I hadn’t considered, given his previous choices.

“The Mirror Room?”

“Just trust me.”

The room is pretty unassuming compared to others, with yellow-green painted walls, peacock feather print curtains on the windows, a sumptuous bed with white linens, and antique fixtures. The devil is in the details, though, because there are strategically placed mirrors with antique gold frames around the room, including over the bed. On top of that, there’s a two-way mirror separating the bathroom and bedroom areas. You can see into the shower and tub from the bed, but you only see your reflection if you’re in the bathroom.

No matter where you are, or what naughty things you’re getting up to, you’ll be able to watch yourself doing it. I usually write this room off for the narcissists who get off from themselves more than their partner, so I’m interested why Rigger thinks it’s a good place for us to finally have sex.

It’s romantic, though, with the sconces on either side of the room and an overall luxurious atmosphere. Maybe that’s what he was thinking?

“I’m going to start a bath while you get comfortable.”

“A bath?” I ask, almost disappointed. I’m keyed up and just want to get it over with. That sounds horrible, but this thing has been looming over me, and I have no idea how I’ll feel about the main event. Everything we’ve done so far has been fun and playful, and I wasn’t scared of doing any of that with him, but sex? That scares me.

“I want you to relax.”

“I’m relaxed,” I say, knowing my shoulders are tight and I have anxious bubbles in my tummy.

“Ha!” He pushes my jacket off and bends down to remove my boots. “Do you trust me?”

That’s the reminder I needed because, yes, I trust him. “Fine.”

He leaves me, and I watch through the mirror as he fills the deep tub with water and sprinkles in some oils out of fancy jars. Maybe it would be nice to soak for a minute and calm down.