Page 93 of Rigger's Mistake

Now I reach for my water because this is too much to process. After drinking half the glass, I think I’m ready to speak. “I can do slow.”

“You should see the look on your face right now.” She covers her laugh with a hand.

“I don’t look like anything.”

“You looked like I just dropped a bomb in your lap.”

“You kinda did.”

“So, what do you think?”

“I think I’m gonna take you out on a date.”

* * *

“What do we have?” Cy asks from his place at the head of the table.

My brothers look at each other, none of them jumping to answer. My head falls forward. This isn’t good. It’s been weeks since we started searching for someone to buy the Costas out of our loan, and it’s been one dead end after the next.

“No one?” Cy’s look of disbelief mirrors my own.

“It’s too much money, and we haven’t been open long enough to prove our value,” Lucky says gently, probably hoping I don’t blow a gasket like last time.

“Fine. Keep your feelers out, and we’ll revisit.”

I wish I could be pissed, but I haven’t found any investors either. With all the scum I know who have amassed a fortune through illegal means, you’d think one of them would want to be part of this. But, no. Each day we fail, Ray is living a life he doesn’t deserve, and it’s a fucking slap in the face. My anger hasn’t lessened; if anything, it’s worse.

Each time Navy has a nightmare, each time she flinches when I move too quickly, and each time I hear her crying in the shower, all I can think about is killing that motherfucker. The only good thing to come out of this is that I’ve never been more ripped. The only way I can get my mind right is by spending hours at the gym.

Cy blows out a mouthful of smoke. “What about Clancy? What do we have on him?”

“He’s a fucking Boy Scout,” Riot says, holding up a picture of Clancy as a kid in a blue and gold uniform. “Like, literally. Two-finger salute and everything.”

“Even his porn is all romantic shit and nothing underage.” Satyr wrinkles his nose. “He really watches things like ‘nude massage’ and ‘gentle lovemaking.’ That shit nearly made my balls shrivel up.”

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that,” Lucky says.

“You’re fuckin’ lying.” Satyr shakes his head. “I’ve updated your laptop before; I know exactly what your freaky ass is into.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my porn.”

“One word. Granny.” Satyr’s face contorts with disgust.

Lucky’s eyes shift to each of us. “That was an experiment.”

I huff. “I don’t even want to know.”

“It was one time,” he says in defense. “One fuckin’ time!”

Cy tucks his chin, shifting his gaze down as he shakes his head. “How did I get stuck with so many sick fucks?”

“Takes one to know one.” Lucky smirks.

“This is obviously going nowhere. Rigger, anything we need to know about the Honey Pot before I call this disaster of Church to a close?”

I launch into my update. “Mary and Navy have started offering weekend specials through the casinos, where we rent out a couple of our empty rooms so guests will have unlimited access to the common areas, like the pool and spa. It shouldn’t affect your security shifts, but just keep an eye on them and make sure they aren’t harassing the girls.”

“Bones? Dope doing good?” Cy asks.