Page 67 of Rigger's Mistake

“What?” He shakes his head. “No. It’s the Honey Pot. Deputy Dipshit tossed the place a couple hours ago.”

My hands ball into fists, and not even the cool morning air can calm the rage spreading through me. I spoke with his uncle, the motherfucking sheriff, the day after Clancy stopped by the clubhouse, and he assured me he’d keep his nephew in check. In exchange, his ass has been sampling all our fruit at the Honey Pot for free.

“Why is this the first I’m hearing of it?” I demand.

“He had a whole team with him. They had everyone handcuffed and sitting outside on the curb for hours.”

“Is everyone okay?”

He nods. “Yeah, the girls are shaken up, and the customers are obviously pissed, but no one was hurt or arrested.”

“Did he have a warrant?”

Lucky rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah. They say they had intel about an underground drug ring or some shit.”

“That lying motherfucker,” I grit out.

“I’m gonna head over there now. Want me to wait for you?” He glances down, and I realize I’m stark naked.

“Yeah. Lemme get dressed. Meet you out by the bikes.” As I’m pulling on my pants, I hit the speed dial for the sheriff.

“Yeah,” he answers sleepily.

“Wake up, asshole. We’ve got a problem,” I say, throwing on a white tee shirt.


“Yeah, it’s me. Get your ass up and meet me at the Honey Pot in fifteen.”


I work to keep my anger from getting out of hand. “You really want me to get into that now while your wife is next to you and can probably hear me shouting into the fuckin’ phone?”

He sighs. “I’ll see you there.”

“Damn right, you will.” I hang up.

* * *

The energy is tense when Lucky and I walk into the brothel. The girls are together in the parlor and bar area, talking quietly. Though the lights are all on, there’s no music playing. It’s such a stark contrast to the usual atmosphere that it’s jarring. Even more so when I see the only drink being served by Paxson is coffee.

Mary approaches, looking disheveled and pissed off. “What the fuck, Rig?”

“I don’t know what happened.”

“Well, you better find out because if this is how it’s going to be—”

“Jesus Christ, Mary. I just walked through the goddamn door. Give me five fuckin’ seconds to get on top of this before you start slingin’ threats.” My sudden outburst surprises me as much as Mary. I’m not quick to lose my temper, but after last night, I’m a hair-trigger away from losing my shit.

“Yeah, okay.”

“Thank you,” I say with little remorse. “Now tell me what happened.”

“The Sheriff’s Department pulled up around two in the morning, lights and sirens flashing. Before I could even lift the phone to make a call, they had everyone face down on the ground. Lacy, Aurora, Britney, Dieanna, and Fiona were all with guests, and those assholes didn’t even let them cover up before cuffin’ them. They tossed every room, breaking shit as they went. There has to be at least five grand in damages.”

“Motherfucker.” I run a hand over my head, pissed as hell. “Did they find what they were looking for?”

I can’t rule out the girls running their own hustle. We keep our eyes open, but we can’t be everywhere all at once.