His voice is firmer now. “No, I’d feel better if you were in your room.”
“You’re not my dad.”
“But I am your boss, and I’m telling you I don’t want you out there.”
“Mary hangs out there every night,” I remind him.
He laughs darkly. “She’s old; there’s no question why she’s there.”
“Trust me, she gets her share of offers. Have you seen her?” The older woman is beautiful, and if she went back into sex work, I know for a fact she’d make more money than she does as a madam.
“Vivi,” he deadpans.
“Colin,” I return.
“Fine, but I’m going with you.”
“Why?” I ask, exasperated.
“I worry about you, is all.”
“Even with all your little vest buddies here, watching through the cameras and walking around?”
“Vest buddies?” His brows furrow until he gets my joke. “That was dumb.”
I roll my eyes. “My point is, why would you worry?”
“I just do, okay?”
The last of my buzz is still hanging on, but I’m not ready to go to bed or to the bar with him. I’m too keyed up. I just want to hang out with my friends, watch beautiful women dance, maybe take a walk past the Nature Room and see if anyone wants an audience, then go to my room and use one of the toys I bought from the gift shop to give me an orgasm. Only after all that do I want to go to bed. I just can’t do any of those things with him around.
“Listen, if you’re not ready to sleep, invite me in. We can watch a movie or something.”
Realizing I won’t get rid of him, I pull out my key and unlock the door.
Movie night it is.
This is a bad idea, but I seem to be full of those these days.
“I’m going to change. Make yourself comfortable,” she says, grabbing clothes from a drawer and stepping into the bathroom.
I make a loop around her room, noticing she’s added her own touch to the decor. She has pictures with some of the girls from the Honey Pot pinned to a corkboard, all taken during the first week of her employment. I smile at how well she seems to be getting along with everyone.
“Your frogs seem happy,” I call out, crouching to see them swimming around.
She steps out wearing another loose-fitting tank, but instead of the jean shorts from earlier, she has on a tiny pair of black spandex bike shorts. I can practically see the shape of her pussy through the thin material. Suddenly, I’m thankful my stiff jeans hide the chub I’m sporting.
“I love them so much.” She bends over, allowing me to take a quick peek at her ass. Fucking hell. I’d kill to know what it feels like in my palm. Pointing to one of the frogs, she says, “That one is Sriracha. He’s my favorite.”
“How can you tell them apart?”
“His little hand has a black spot on it. See?” She glances up at me, and for a split second, I see a hint of the little girl I used to know. My chest tightens with an emotion I’m not used to feeling.
It fucks with my head whenever I have a flashback of a six-year-old Vivi. How can I have this affection for my little sister when I want to fuck the woman she grew up to be?