I wave and give Judge an apologetic smile as I’m pulled away.
“What was that about?” I ask.
“Judge has a difficult relationship with religion.”
“Is he a priest?”
“No. He used to be some kind of pastor at a non-denominational church.”
“What is he now?” I ask.
We stop at the bar, and Colin holds two fingers up to the red-headed bartender before turning back to me. “Things get tough around here sometimes. It’s quiet right now, but when shit goes down and stuff goes sideways, we need someone to. . . get us back to good. If that makes sense.”
I don’t have to read too much between the lines on that one. News headlines and rumors around town have told me enough about what goes down around here. It would do me well to remember who these men are, but it’s easy to forget when my daily interactions with them are nothing but pleasant.
“And he helps when things go sideways?”
“Yeah. He’s very useful to have around,” he says cryptically.
“Like how?”
“Don’t worry about it, but maybe don’t bring up the collar again.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Two bottles of icy beer are set in front of us, and I’m quick to grab mine and take a drink. The ice-cold hoppy brew goes down easily and cools me off. There are a lot of people in here, more than I’ve ever been around at one time. The air is thick with cigarette and weed smoke, making it hard to breathe, but the energy is addictive. Everyone seems to be having a really good time.
“Rigger,” someone calls out, and I find an older man approaching who looks vaguely familiar. He’s older than Cy, putting him in his early seventies, thin, wrinkled, and with hair so gray, it’s snowy white.
“Tripod, good to see you, man.” Colin gives him the whole manly, backslap half-hug thing.
“You too. I visited your place out in Storey County last night. You did good, kid,” the man says, and it clicks where I’ve seen him.
I rarely walk around the Honey Pot at night since it tends to be busy, and I don’t want to be in the way. Last night, though, I met up with Betty for a late-night swim, and this man was in the hot tub with one of the girls who goes by Aurora, a petite Japanese woman with boobs so big you’d think she’d topple forward. I haven’t had many interactions with her, but from what I’ve heard, she’s a little spicy. Betty said she enjoys stirring the pot and watching what happens.
“Thanks, brother. That means a lot coming from you. Did you have a good time?”
“Fuckin’ right, I did.” He flashes a grin.
“I’m glad.” Colin gestures to me. “I’d like you to meet Navy.”
“I know you from somewhere,” he says, shaking my hand.
“I was out for a swim last night while you were hanging out with Aurora.”
“That’s right.” He turns to Rigger. “You got yourself a sexy one.”
“Oh, she’s not—”
“I know how it works. You forget I was your age once. Now I only get young and beautiful women when I’m on the road and away from my ol’ lady.”
So, he’s a piganda cheater. Got it. I cover up my disgusted reaction by taking another swig of beer.
“Whatever. Carla is great,” Colin says.
I don’t miss that he didn’t try to further clarify our relationship. Was that on purpose, or does he just not want to get into it? I want to slap myself. Of course it’s the latter.You’re nothing more than his sister. I’m still not sure I believe his reasoning for not wanting to tell people, though.
“Yeah, she is.” He slaps Colin on the back. “You got a few minutes to sit down? I have a little business I want to get outta the way.”