Page 121 of Rigger's Mistake

Lucky slides on his leather gloves. “Ready?”

“Let’s do it.”

“We taking him to the Honey Pot?”

“Yep,” I say, pulling on my own gloves.

I knock on the front door but cover the peephole. As far as Ray knows, he’s still protected. Still, that doesn’t mean he’d answer the door if he knew I was on the other side.

“Laura,” I greet when she opens the door a crack. I notice a fresh bruise around her throat, and the white of her right eye is stained red from a broken blood vessel. “Ray around?”

“It’s not a good time,” she whispers.

“I think the timing is just right.” I push the door open, taken aback when I see red all down Laura’s clothes. “What the fuck?”

She holds her shaking hands out in front of her. “I-I don’t know w-what happened.”

“Where is he?” I ask, charging into the house, not waiting for a response.

“I d-didn’t mean t-to do it,” she mumbles.

I look to Lucky. “Can you handle her? I’ll go see what the deal is.”

“Come on, darlin’. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Lucky leads Laura into the hallway bathroom.

Following the blood trail, I step over broken dishes, mail that’s been tossed to the ground, and God knows what else. Stopping at the kitchen, I notice the butcher block tipped over with a knife missing. All the clues tell me what I’ll find in the next room, but it’s still shocking to see Ray splayed on the living room floor, covered in blood, his face screwed up in pain, and the missing knife sticking out of his shoulder.

“Looks like you went too far this time, old man.” I step over him and crouch at his side.

“That bitch’ll pay for this.” Beads of sweat drip down his forehead as he wraps a rag around the knife to staunch the bleeding. I debate yanking it out and really giving him something to bleed about, but I don’t want to risk him dying before I can kill him.

“I’m not too happy with her either, but not for the same reason. You see, I came here because your employment with the Costas has been terminated. You know what that means, right?”

His eyes widen, and I relish the fear that washes over him. “That can’t be right.”

“Why else would I be here with my gloves on?”

“I’m your father,” he says like that means shit.

“And I’m your fuckin’ nightmare.” I lift him onto his feet, grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch to cover the gruesome sight.

Lucky appears with a dazed and frightened Laura. “All good?”

“Yeah, let’s get some prospects out here to clean the place up.”

“I’ll text them from the car.”

“Where are you taking me?” Ray growls.

“To your final resting place.” I pull zip-tie handcuffs from my pocket and secure his wrists behind his back before shoving him forward.

The back of the van is open with no seats. Not a problem when I thought we were only transporting Ray, but now we have Laura too. I’m proud of the bitch for fighting back, but fuck, it took her long enough. Of course, she picks the day I come for him.

“I’ll sit in back,” Lucky says, trading me Ray for Laura.

I help her into the passenger seat as she mutters incoherently. Shock still has a firm grip on her, a normal reaction when it’s your first time stabbing someone, but I don’t have time to talk her through it. It puts a wrench in my plans because now I have to decide how to handle this.

Part of me wants to take her out too. As much as Navy likes to believe none of this is her mom’s fault, Laura was complicit in Navy’s continuous rape. I understand she was being abused too, but Navy’s her daughter, and she should’ve fought tooth and nail to get her out of that situation. Instead, she almost welcomed the break it gave her.