“I’m amazing.” I grin up at him.
“You did so good, babe.”
I preen at his compliments. I love it when he praises me like this; I think we both do. After growing up without any kind words, we tend to overcompensate. It’s good, though, because I always know how proud he is of me and how much he loves me.
“It wasn’t too much, was it?”
I frown. “No. It’s just different.”
“I should hope it fuckin’ is.”
I shake my head. “I just mean, before something was doneto me, but with you, it’s what we’re doing together, and I guess I’ve already made that distinction in my mind.”
“That’s good, babe. Real good,” he says with his lips hovering over mine. He’s about to kiss me when there’s a knock at the door.
“Shit,” I curse. “Have we been in here too long?”
“No. Just cover up and stay here while I see who it is.” He jumps off the bed and pulls his boxer briefs up as he walks to the door, opening it a crack.
With a hushed tone I can’t hear, Rigger speaks to whoever it is. Judging by how Rigger goes rigid and his eyes dart to me in concern, I can tell it’s not good. He shuts the door and begins to dress quickly, a sick feeling invading me.
“What is it?”
“Put your clothes on,” he orders, all the sweetness he was giving me moments before gone.
“Don’t have time to give you answers. Please. Just get dressed.”
I do as he says, but my hands shake so violently that I can’t fasten my jeans. Impatiently, Rigger storms over to me and slides the button through the hole.
“You’re scaring me,” I say.
“Listen, Tigger’s gonna come in here and sit with you while I take care of something. Don’t open that door for anyone but me. Do you understand?”
I look up at him with frightened eyes. “I want to go with you.”
“No,” he bites out. “Stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Rigger.” My chin wobbles.
“Just do it, Navy.” He storms to the door but turns around before walking out. “For me.”
“Rigger.” Mary stops me in the hallway with her hands on my chest. I glare daggers at her because right now, the only touch I want is my knuckles pounding flesh. She frowns in response and wisely drops her hands. “I know you want to go out there guns blazing, but he’s with some very wealthy clients. We can’t afford to get the kind of reputation that killing him in front of witnesses would give us.”
I snort. “You think I give a shit, Mary?”
“I can see that you don’t,” she says carefully. “But those girls out there stand to make a small fortune tonight, and they don’t deserve to have this opportunity ripped out from under them. Not to mention what this would do to help pay off certain debts.”
“There will be other opportunities. Now get the fuck out of my way before I make you.”
She sighs but steps to the side.
“Turn around and march your ass back to the hell hole you crawled out of!” I shout as I reach the parlor and spot my sperm donor standing with four men in tailored suits. Standing behind them are Satyr and Dutch, both with arms folded across their chests, glares fixed on Ray.