It was good timing, too, because while I was helping Riot, Navy had her friend Olivia over. I’ll meet her best friend someday, but we both thought it best that Navy was alone when she told her the truth. She was super nervous and worried her friend would look at her differently, but from what she told me later that night, Olivia had known there was more to what Navy was telling her, which eased the truth bomb.
I guess she’s coming back out to the brothel next week, so I’ll meet her then.
Tonight, though, she’s all mine. After we make a pit stop at the clubhouse for a party, I have another room reserved for us at the Honey Pot.
I park my bike at the end of a long line of Harleys. There’s no reason for the party tonight, just my brothers needing to blow off some steam, which is honestly reason enough.
“Wow. There are a lot of people here,” Navy says as she removes her helmet.
I smirk, loving the way she’s turned into a biker chick. Though she hates it when I buy her shit, I knew she’d need a jacket for the coming months, so I picked up a black leather one with silver chains hanging from each of the front pockets. It looks badass on her, and paired with her dark wash jeans and distressed cropped tee, she looks like she grew up in the club.
“You’re so fuckin’ sexy,” I growl, pulling her to me for a kiss. Thankfully, I don’t have to battle all that sticky shit she usually has on.
She pulls away. “Don’t start that, or we’ll never make it inside.”
“I’m willing to make that sacrifice.” I yank her toward me by her front jean pockets. Like always, she rests her arms on my shoulders and scratches her nails across the back of my head. I roll my neck, giving her full access because it feels so damn good.
“You’re like a dog, always wanting to be petted.”
I scowl. “I am not.”
“Are too.” She flattens her palms on my head and holds me in place while she smacks a kiss on my lips. “Come on, let’s go have some fun.”
“Fine,” I draw out as I take her hand.
Inside, the place is chaos, with booming voices trying to be heard over the loud music and people mashed together in small groups. In the corner, some of the club sluts have already taken to the pole, drawing attention from the hang-arounds. Poor schmucks will go home alone because those women are only here for the patch.
“There’s someone I want you to meet,” I say after we stop at the bar for a beer.
I pull her behind the bar and into the kitchen, where I know I’ll find the woman I’m looking for. Just as I thought, Sugar is in the kitchen, whipping up trays of snacks.
“Sugar Mama,” I call out, startling her.
“Rigger, I swear to God—” Her berating stops short when she sees Navy at my side. “Now, who do you have there?”
“Sugar, this is my woman, Navy,” I say proudly. “Navy, this is our club mom, Sugar.”
Technically, Sugar is Mustang’s mom, but ever since we pulled her out of a bad situation and moved her into her own cabin, she’s taken over the role of all our momma. She takes care of all us men, runs the household, and keeps any of the regular club whores in check.
“My god, you’re stunning.” Sugar pulls Navy in for a hug before releasing her to swat me on the chest. “Took you long enough to bring her around. I heard whispers of the girl weeks ago.”
“It’s not his fault,” Navy says. “I’ve been busy working over the Honey Pot.”
“I’ve been meaning to get over there and see what you’ve done, son. I heard it’s quite the place.”
“It is, though I don’t know if you want to be hanging around there. Our guests might get the wrong idea and try to hire you for a night,” I joke.
She straightens her posture and runs a hand down her body, making me laugh. “I don’t want to brag, but I still catch an eye or two now and then.”
“Brag away. You’re beautiful,” Navy says.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Can I get you two anything to eat?”
“No, we’re good. Just wanted her to meet the only reason I haven’t withered away from malnourishment and died on the side of the road from all my bad decisions.”
Sugar takes Navy’s hand. “One day soon, you’ll have to come by so I can tell you stories about this hardheaded idiot.”
“I’d love that.”