Page 106 of Rigger's Mistake

“I’m proud of myself too.”

“You should be.” I glance over at the wall and decide to press my luck. “Can I do one thing before we get dressed and leave?”

“Yeah, what?”

“Will you please bend over the desk and let me paddle your ass?”

She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Seriously?”

“I’ve always wanted to do it.”

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t hurt me.”

“I won’t. Not badly, anyway.”

She scowls, but I see the smile she’s hiding as she bends over the desk and flattens her hands on the wood. She looks so fucking sexy lying across the desk topless, her breasts smashed to the wood, creating an intriguing amount of side boob. I approach slowly, taking this moment in. I was serious when I said I’ve wanted to do it. Since this room was built, it’s been on my bucket list.

I flip her skirt up, revealing the round ass she’s working on at the gym. Moaning, I palm her cheeks, loving the way they feel.

“Get on with it,” she says.

“Hey, don’t rush me. I’m living out a fantasy.” Walking over to the wall, I grab the paddle, flipping it around to test the weight. Not actually wanting to hurt her, I give her right cheek an easy swat, earning myself a surprised gasp. “Are you okay?”

“Do it again.”

She doesn’t have to ask twice. Moving to the other side of her, I give that cheek a swat, and she lets out the same breathy gasp.

“You can go a little harder,” she moans.

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I kind of like it.”

Fuck yeah. I swat her over and over, stopping every few times to palm her warm flesh and check in. Her ass lights up a beautiful red that I wish I could photograph and hang on the wall, but that’s an ask for a future time. I think I’ve pushed my luck enough tonight.

I rehang the paddle before bending over to kiss each of her cheeks and cover her back up with her skirt.

“Come on,” I say, helping her up and dressing myself as she puts back on her bra and shirt. I also might’ve tucked her panties into my pocket while she wasn’t looking. “Let’s order in and eat dinner in bed.”

“That sounds perfect.”

I take her hands in mine, and she lifts them to stare at my knuckles. “Can you tell me what this is from?”

“It was nothing. Just a disagreement.” The “disagreement” was with a human trafficker’s bodyguard who didn’t think we should kill his boss, and we did. Ultimately, he was wrong, and I got out some of my frustrations by beating his face in before putting a bullet in his head. Riot had the honor of killing the trafficker.

I don’t even care that Mike, the asshole who hired us, is also in the business of selling women and children and used us to get rid of his competition. Especially not after Riot told me that once Mike pays us, he’s taking him out, too, pro bono.

“But you’re okay?”

I smile and dip down to kiss her. “Always.”

* * *

With summer ending, there’s a bite in the air as Navy and I ride toward the clubhouse. Her hold tightens on me, and I reach back to run my hand down her jean-covered thigh.

We haven’t spent an evening together since we played in The Classroom, and it’s been killing me. Riot needed help with another hit, which required a couple nights of surveillance. I still crawled into her bed in the early morning hours to make sure I was there to hold her close while she slept.

That’s over now because we made our move last night and took out the man we were after. It was quick, just a drive-by in a stolen car we ditched the next block over. No cameras, no witnesses, and no one to miss the asshole we took out.