“I vomited in front of her the second time today, so her suspicion levels grew drastically. I tried to lie and all that, but she insisted on going for a pregnancy test at the hospital. Unfortunately, I could not say no. She was already convinced that I was pregnant before we left, so when we got the results of the test, it was like a confirmation.”

Jonah seemed uncomfortable as I told him all that happened. He wanted to know what else my aunt knew.

“Does she know yet?”

“No. I locked myself in my bedroom so I have not been able to tell her who fathered it. She has been complaining ever since though, asking me who the father is repeatedly. I fear that I will have to later spill the beans since it’s silly to have a child and not know his father.”

I didn’t know how he felt about the matter. As much as he didn’t want to rush things, he said he wished I had told my aunt that it was him already. He was prepared for the confrontation ever since the day he found out that I was pregnant. Procrastination was pointless in his opinion.

“Why don’t you let her know once and for all? I’m willing to take care of my child, and I am not running away anywhere.”

“You know it isn’t so easy to tell her I’ve been fucking you of all people.”

“What do you mean?”

I giggled. “Don’t get me wrong. Any woman would love to carry your baby. I’m sure my aunt would fuck you if she had the chance anyway.”

He burst out laughing, nearly spilling the water he was drinking. That was one reason I could cope with him as a husband if need be. His sense of humor was perfect.

“Nah. I doubt she would. I’m sure she has a man she fantasizes about.”

“And you think that can’t be you?”

A moment of pause.

“Who knows?”

After we finished talking, I was thrown into deep thought. I wondered how I would cope with my aunt's antics now that she had found out that I was pregnant. Once I told her that Jonah was the father, that was it. Her enmity with him would begin from there, and people would not look at him the same way anymore.

But realistically, Jonah didn’t care. It was not because he had pride in what he did, or that we would do it again. He was just happy to be expecting a new child. It was a pleasant thing to know, and he was more than ready to have another child, whether I supported him in taking care of the child or not.

The next day came fast and it came with trouble. I called Jonah that sunny afternoon, crying.

“She knows now!” I tell him and start crying before I end the call. I wondered if he overheard my aunt shouting over the phone because she was on a phone call with another person in the living room.

I figured that he would have to face her eventually, whether it was on peaceful terms or more violent terms. So I got ready. It was funny that I had to prepare to watch a frail, slightly old woman confront Jonah because of me, but I had to. If I wanted anything more with him, then I had to make sure Jonah got along with my aunt as much as I could.

Jonah is a wonderful person though. He is so certain we are going to find a way out of it. Somehow, we would. After all, it was a child. It was good news to have and I had to believe that myself. The only way I could convince him and my aunt that keeping the child was a good idea was by showing I believed that too.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I knew trouble was coming. I could feel it coming. In honesty, anybody would have felt it too because it was just too obvious. I allowed the water to drop to every part of my body possible as the shower ran effortlessly, letting out warm water that soothed my soul. Silence, silence, and then nothing.

Chapter Twelve


“Hey! Hey, open the goddamn door! You are such a terrible man, Jonah! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

I opened the door and Claire's aunt rushed in full force. If I didn’t know better, I would have believed she had something against me, or she was hurt about something more than what was on the ground. Both ways, it wasn’t looking good.

“What is it?” I asked with a straight face. I tried to make a gesture toward her to get her to stop but she ignored me and faced me angrily. I was not in for any jokes either.

“You impregnated my niece, you asshole! You are still looking like you’re not repentant either.”

“Well, why should I be? It’s not as if I raped her. It’s consensual and she has already agreed to keep the baby. I’ll father the child and take care of the expenses.”

“No! You took advantage of her,” she pressed on. She seemed like she was bent on bringing me down at all costs. I only hoped within me that the issue would not last much longer. Of course, I loved my child and would be responsible for it. That was why I was confused about her agitation when she wasn’t going to help us take care of our child.

“Calm down! I didn’t take advantage of her. We were both tempted and we made out. There is no reason for me to rape her. We like each other! And maybe a little more than you’d expect!”